Astronomical High Barrels of Oil/Fuel & Electricity will Cause High Costs of Living & Mindsets Powered by Anger

Astronomical High Barrels of Oil/Fuel & Electricity will Cause High Costs of Living & Mindsets Powered by Anger

8 March 2022
How seriously and earnestly are global government representatives taking actions against the “Astronomically High” : barrels of oil/fuel and electricity prices, job loses, sky high unemployment, global collapse of many small and big businesses, crushed global economies, hunger, starvation, mental stress, depression and suicides, increased violence against women, children and upon community members, due to the Global COVID 19 Pandemic’s two years of lockdowns and restrictions.
What about the global climate change challenges, global warming and Earth’s Predicted 6th Mass Extinctions.
Solutions and Actions:
When money is scarce within homes of the community, stress, anxiety, fear, concerns and depression will cause “Major Mental Trauma”, and many people will turn to using the “Emotion of the Power of Anger”, as a mental tool, to suppress and nullify their “Vulnerable Emotions” 
This will lead to arguments in the homes of many community members, and violence against family members, and against members of the community will increase drastically.
Astronomical High Prices of Barrels of Oil/Fuel and Electricity cause High Costs of Living & Mindsets Powered by Anger:
Easy Solutions: Reduce the Costs of Living & Mindsets Powered by Anger.
 On a global scale empower Communities to own machines that convert “Plastic Pollution to Fuel”
On a global scale this ends the “Global Plastic Pollution Crisis”, and plastic stops flowing into streams, rivers, wetlands, freshwater reservoirs, storm water drains and ending up in the Planet’s Oceans,  Seas and Wetlands
Global Communities get empowered and have funds to address their unique problems and environmental challenges within their Neighborhoods and Country.
Global Communities then “Sell One Green Plastic Bead”, for 1/4 of the present price of fuel and “Simply” give a litre of their fuel away for “Free”.
At present global government’s “Red Tape” is years away from “Empowering their Citizens” to own their “Own Green Energy Plants” or being able to enter the various “Green Energy Industries”.
Global Citizens can use affiliated marketing links and donations, directly to support the buying of machines for “Plastic Pollution to Fuel”, in their Neighborhoods, Suburbs, Towns, States, County, Provinces, within their Country.
Once plastic to fuel machines are purchased, neighborhoods can collect their home plastic food wrappings, bottles and drop off or be collected, from outside their homes and taken to the various plastic to fuel machines in their Neighborhoods.
If a certain community plastic to fuel machine is not helping members of the Community, Nature and the Blue Planet, then simply stop supporting them and support “Plastic 2 Fuel Communities” who are 4Nature 4Humanity and the Blue Planet’s Gifts of Life.
Why? : 11:11 
For this is the quickest way for Global Citizens to gain funds to be able to address their unique problems and environmental challenges within their Neighborhoods and Country.
5 Global Citizens need to be able to “Stimulate Global Economies” on ground levels within communities, otherwise astronomical high unemployment will cause “Global Chaos”, as people begin too “Starve and become Desperate” and they will loot shops for food and crime will escalate globally.
Global Citizens who are keen on helping the “Gifts of Life”: has many more “Solutions 4 Actions”, with loads of solutions for climate challenge, geared towards understanding Nature’s Movements of the Gifts of Life, so as to be able to help Nature, Humanity and the Planet’s Gifts of Life.
Global children, teens and adults who would like get involved and take actions, based upon “Global Collective Brain Storming”, that will afford and allow for so many of the present global problems and climate change challenges to be solved, can contact me via our websites and social media sites.
The more possibilities to opportunities that are created the easy it will be for more people to achieve more of their “Envisioned Dreams and Hopes” they have for their present and future lifestyles, for we need the Planet to be able to sustain and maintain the Gifts of Life.
Will load on as many go funds and fundraiser platforms.
Simply load your comment, with the name of your Neighbourhood, City and Country.
Every cent will go to your various Communities Plastic to Fuel Machines.
Asking for people to also leave a comment here or on websites for suggestions to various good fundraiser platforms, thank you.