Sun Stroke Dangers July 2022 Solar Flares /Solar Storms Causing Heat Wave in Northern Hemisphere: 


Sun Stroke Dangers July 2022 Solar Flares /Solar Storms Causing Heat Wave in Northern Hemisphere:

12 July 2022 Solar Storms begin- where are the Sun Stroke warnings , avoid the outdoors?

What The Global Science Experts are saying about Climate Change and Global Warming :

Is the Heat Wave Caused By Climate Change. This is what Scientists Say:

Do 2022 Heat Waves Mean that Climate Change is happening faster than Expected?

July2022 :Solar Flare Activities: Videos

The various Orbiting patterns of Earth, around the Sun, is the cause of global warming and climate change.

On a daily basis NASA keeps reporting Sun Flares and Solar Flares, and they cause phenomenal heat waves for days yet global citizens are just suppose to believe its CO2 causing global warming.

The media globally has done mad and ignore simple logic 1 +1= 2.

Summer Seasons (1) + Sun Solar Flares (1) = Extreme Heat Waves (2).

Heat waves in Europe, USA Texas and Northern hemisphere regions have Heat Waves at present, but they also have Sun Solar Flares, that are causing the Heat Waves.

No heat waves in the South Hemisphere, being Winter Now.

The sad part is that Solar Flares can cause extreme Sun Stroke, and science knowledge could have warned the citizens in the Northern hemisphere, via news channels, TV and radio.

3 thoughts on “Sun Stroke Dangers July 2022 Solar Flares /Solar Storms Causing Heat Wave in Northern Hemisphere: ”

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