Month: November 2020

Wearing Masks for COVID 19 Can Cause Lifetime of Medical Complications

But the medical science has said COVID 19 causing scaring on lungs, and ampteen articles with X+rays showing the scaring , due to S-proteins causing cell fusions. Why is this a mistery now. And why are all the COVID 19 vaccines focused on presenting the human body ( volenteers) with “S-proteins of COVID 19 If …

Wearing Masks for COVID 19 Can Cause Lifetime of Medical Complications Read More »

Global PCR Testing’ will Jeapodise the Lives of the Elderly and Vulerable placing them into Hospital wards with Real COVID 19 Patients

Ok chimp viruses of Oxford can gain entery into human cells, to then mutate with the add S-proteins of COVID 19, in the Oxford COVID 19 serum. Shoo now if they said, the chimp viruses are suppose to be weaken and claimed to not be able to infect human tissue cells or grow, …then 1 …

Global PCR Testing’ will Jeapodise the Lives of the Elderly and Vulerable placing them into Hospital wards with Real COVID 19 Patients Read More »

Humanity facing the dangers of Antibody- dependant enhancement and S-proteins of COVID 19

And media science is wondering why some people are “Long haulers to COVID 19”. They don’t report on ” Antibody- dependant enhancement or the dangers of S-proteins” that many virologists and medical research, who are raising their concerns and the dangers to Humanity” Yet honest science states that “S-proteins of COVID 19” allow for cells …

Humanity facing the dangers of Antibody- dependant enhancement and S-proteins of COVID 19 Read More »

Dangers of Animal Coronaviruses crossing over to People and their Children, due to S-protein of COVID 19 and “Antigenic Drift”

       Speaking of ” Cats” a “Tiger” was confirmed to have COVID 19.  Now in India ” Leopard” eating dogs, picked up “Dog Viruses” crossover viruses. Lions in South Africa , also being  ” Cats” picked up viruses from dogs. Now throwing in Humanity to be vaccinated with ” S-proteins of COVID 19″ will aid …

Dangers of Animal Coronaviruses crossing over to People and their Children, due to S-protein of COVID 19 and “Antigenic Drift” Read More »

Bat viruses, afforded “S-proteins spike receptors” to crossover to Humanity and Animals

A lot more than just that, of claiming to want to protect the elderly and vulerable from COVID 19. Offer the S-proteins which are the “Keys,Keys and Keys” , to allow “Antigenic Drift” of S-protein to all other “Animal Coronaviruses” . Not to mention the ” Fact” that due to S-proteins being present in humanity… …

Bat viruses, afforded “S-proteins spike receptors” to crossover to Humanity and Animals Read More »