Month: May 2022

Easily End Marine, Freshwater and Land Based Plastic Pollution 4 Sea Turtles, Marine Life and Wildlife:

Easily End Global Marine, Freshwater and Land Based Plastic Pollution Marine Plastic Pollution is being “Consumed/Eaten” by Baby and Fully Grown Turtles, which results in their gut bacteria, being harmed by the “Plastic Pollution’s” off gassing of compounds and sulphurs, which harm the gut bacteria of Turtles. Sulphur is used by plants …

Easily End Marine, Freshwater and Land Based Plastic Pollution 4 Sea Turtles, Marine Life and Wildlife: Read More »

Plans 2 Easily Reduce Global High Costs of Living/Conducting Business: Increasing Job Creation, Mental Health and Overall Wellness

Plans 2 Easily Reduce Global High Costs of Living/Conducting Business: Increasing Job Creation, Mental Health and Overall Wellness “Global Focused Empowering Plans for Communities, within the Neighborhoods of Countries, to become the Solutions and Actions Needed 4 Nature, Humanity and Planet Earth:”   Free Ebooks: More Detailed Solutions:  As to why these global plans will be good for Humanity, Nature and Planet …

Plans 2 Easily Reduce Global High Costs of Living/Conducting Business: Increasing Job Creation, Mental Health and Overall Wellness Read More »

Early Childhood Development: The ABC’s Methods and Goals”: How to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially: Why these Goals will be Good for Humanity, Nature & Planet Earth : The ABC’s Methods & Goals have been Designed to Achieve the following:   Early Childhood Development: The ABC’s Methods and Goals”: How to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially: Why these Goals will be Good for Humanity, Nature & Planet Earth : The ABC’s Methods & Goals have been Designed to Achieve the following: xxxxx x xxxxx : 11:11 xxxxx x xxxxx : 11: 11 Of …

Early Childhood Development: The ABC’s Methods and Goals”: How to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially: Why these Goals will be Good for Humanity, Nature & Planet Earth : The ABC’s Methods & Goals have been Designed to Achieve the following: Read More »

When, will the “Truthful” science from truthful “Medical Experts” become the norm globally, and not be claimed to be the “So Called Fake Medical News”.

When, will the “Truthful” science from truthful “Medical Experts” become the norm globally, and not be claimed to be the “So Called Fake Medical News”. This is a bit obvious: For sure antibodies from one person’s mucous secretions to another person’s nasal and mouth cavity, would cause antibodies to be transferred from one human body …

When, will the “Truthful” science from truthful “Medical Experts” become the norm globally, and not be claimed to be the “So Called Fake Medical News”. Read More »

111: Are you perhaps interested in Speeding Up your Website/Blog’s Browser Loading Times and Speeds, for your Viewers, Shoppers and Subscriber’s Benefits?

    Are you perhaps interested in Speeding Up your Website/Blog’s Browser Loading Times and Speeds, for your Viewers, Shoppers and Subscriber’s Benefits? So that they will be able to spend more time enjoying their surfing, through more of your Website/Blog/Your Online shop? Many viewers and users keep asking me what am I doing differently, …

111: Are you perhaps interested in Speeding Up your Website/Blog’s Browser Loading Times and Speeds, for your Viewers, Shoppers and Subscriber’s Benefits? Read More »