Easily End Global Marine, Freshwater and Land Based Plastic Pollution
Marine Plastic Pollution is being “Consumed/Eaten” by Baby and Fully Grown Turtles, which results in their gut bacteria, being harmed by the “Plastic Pollution’s” off gassing of compounds and sulphurs, which harm the gut bacteria of Turtles.
Sulphur is used by plants to fend off and kill bacteria and fungi.
Sulphur is medically used, to kill off many times of bacteria and fungi, that effect humans and animals.
This results in chemical imbalance within their bodies, of Turtles, which results in effecting their Immune Systems.
This results in Turtles natural anti- fouling enzymes, unable to function effectively and properly, which results in major marine shell growth deposits, as well as causing tumors to grow over their eyelids and on their flippers and tail, resulting in many Turtles with severe compromised Immune Systems going “Blind“, and experience malnutrition and become easy targets for Sharks or Orcas.
Or die agonizing deaths, due to infections, cause by the Tumor Growths on their body’s surface or internally.
The Solutions already exist, to be able to end Marine, Fresh Water and Land ” Plastic Pollution”.