Plans 2 Easily Reduce Global High Costs of Living/Conducting Business: Increasing Job Creation, Mental Health and Overall Wellness
“Global Focused Empowering Plans for Communities, within the Neighborhoods of Countries, to become the Solutions and Actions Needed 4 Nature, Humanity and Planet Earth:”
Free Ebooks: More Detailed Solutions: As to why these global plans will be good for Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth
The ‘ABC’s Methods and Goals’ : How to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially:
Why the “ABC’s Methods and Goals”, will be good for Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth :
The “ABC’s Methods and Goals'” have been designed to achieve the following:
– “Code Project Solutions & Actions.
– Curbing Teen & Adult Suicides by getting more children, teens and adults to excel and thrive academically & socially.
– Super Boost Children/Teens/Adults Cognitive Abilities & Skills.
– Curbing Violence Against Women and Children, and within Community Neighbourhoods.
– Curbing South Africa’s High Murder, Crime and Rape Rates: By allowing more people to not choose the “Power of Anger” as a copying tool, to suppress their vulnerable feelings, emotions, hardships and life experiences.
– Easily Reduce the 49% of South Africa’s School Children dropping out of School.
– Easily afford Grade 1 School Children to Read for Meaning: So as to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially.
– Easily afford the Youth and Adults, who have dropped out of school, to read for meaning, so as to see the gaps and possibilities to earn incomes.
– Empowering Community Neighbourhoods to become Financially Self-sustainable in Funds, so as to Enter the Green Energies Industries, to then become the solutions and actions needed for Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth.
Resulting in Communities Globally, having the funds and the means to address, take actions and solve their unique neighborhood’s health, safety and climate change challenges and concerns.
– Super Aids and Helps Children, Teens and Adults to make more of their “Dreams, Hopes and Wishes”, become their Reality Truth and Purposes of Being in, of and for their Gifts of Life.
– South Africa is “Super Big” on getting Oversea Skills into the Country 4 Skills Transfer.
– South Africa has many University Graduates without Jobs.
– Nature has already revealed and shown, how Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth can “Excel and Thrive” during the “Present Global Warming and Climate Change Period”.
Milankovitch Orbiting Cycles of Earth around the Sun: Reveals Earth is at present in a Circulating Orbit Pattern around the Sun.
Nature has and is revealing the solutions and actions, needed, for Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth to be able to “Excel and Thrive”, during this present period and cycle.
All that is now left and still to do, is to convince Global Communities, within neighborhoods countries, is for them to implement “Nature’s Revealed Solutions and Actions”.
So that Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth can begin to “Excel and Thrive”, during the present Global Warming and Climate Change Period and Cycle.