Section 1: Disclaimer and Copyright
Copyright 2020 Douglas Campbell,
All rights reserved. Terms of use, view “Disclaimer and Copyright”
The eBook may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. The eBook is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers. Every effort has been made to make the information as complete and accurate as possible. Although the authors and publisher have prepared the report with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations. Every effort has been made to make the report as complete and accurate as possible. However there may be mistakes in typography or content. The content is the sole expression and opinion of its authors, and not necessary that of the publisher. Neither the publisher nor the authors shall be held liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Our views and rights are the same. You are responsible for your own choices, actions and results.
You may share this “Free Step by Step EBook Guide”, with your family, friends, relatives and whomever you would like to share it with, as long as it remains free, and remains in its full complete text and format, so as to the eBook’s author’s reasons, purposes to achieve the desired goals, for global citizens and their children, Nature’s wildlife and marine life and for the good of the Planet, to curb global warming, climate change that will prevent the 6th mass extinction and polar flipping.
Section 2: Introduction of why the eBook is free, and the reasons and goals of the “Free eBook”
You may share this “Free Step by Step EBook Guide”, with your family, friends, relatives and whomever you would like to share it with, as long as it remains free, and remains in its full complete text and format, so as to for fill the eBook’s purposes and reasons, to achieve the desired goals within this text, for global citizens and their children, Nature’s wildlife and marine life and for the good of the Planet, to curb global warming, climate change that will prevent the 6th mass extinction and polar flipping.
The Purposes and Reasons of the eBook
- To create platforms of opportunities, that can afford global citizens and their children’s voices to be heard and their actions to be expressed and seen, that can address/lead and cause physical solutions that solve many of their problems, concerns, frustrations, anxieties, depression and fears, related/and relating to the effects of the “COVID 19 Pandemic, Climate Change, Global Warming, and the 6th Mass Extinction”.
- To afford global citizens and their children, information so as to be able to make informed decisions, that can create physical actions, that can cause/and lead to them being able to help and save their “Loved Ones, Families, Relatives, Members of their Communities and the Elderly and Vulnerable” during any type of COVID 19 infection”.
- To get global citizens to use their country’s Constitution and Law Courts, to up hold their rights to safety of life, health, mental wellness, emotional wellbeing and ability as citizens to earn a living/wage/income or commission.
- To get global citizens who are being threatened with arrests, fines, criminal records and jail time, to being forced to wear face masks, that cause and lead bacterial lung infections
To afford global citizens who are being threatened with arrests, fines, criminal records and jail time, to purposefully and wilfully except to cover their noses and mouths, with face masks, so that they rebreathe and circulate bacteria, pathogens, dirt grime and viruses.
4 . To afford global citizens who are being threatened with arrests, fines, criminal records, and jail time, to submit and give up their country’s Constitutional Rights, to allow their lives, mental wellness, emotional wellbeing, and overall health, to be forfeited, by excepting to don face masks, so that they rebreathe bacteria, pathogens, dust, pollen, chemical pollutants, and viruses, to clog up their lungs air sacs, so that bacterial infections can cause and lead to their “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s” purposes, functions, and abilities to create and maintaining “Robust and Crossover Immunity, will be suppressed and deactivated so that they can become susceptible to pneumonia, diseases, chronic diseases, viruses and cancers, the opportunity to defend themselves in their country’s “Law Courts”.
The goal and agenda are to have “Class Actions Lawsuits”, in each and every country, where “Writs” are served on the government’s department’s representatives, in their personal and official capacity.
Global governments and their health departments have told their citizens to trust the “Scientific Evidence”.
It is time that global citizens, heed their requests and bring along the “Scientific Evidence and Proof” as to prove that masks cause bacterial infections, that lead to medical proven “Pneumonia”, that is the leading proven cause of “COVID 19 Deaths Global”, due to “Cytokine Storms” taking place in the protective lung mucus layers and the bloodstream.
Links: Double Edge Sword of Neutrophils and Macrophages, in the Lungs.
Globally many media articles, government department representatives, and medical professional advisory press statements, keep claiming that masks do not cause harm to the country’s citizens.
It is time that they prove this in their country’s law courts, and see if they can defy, ignore and deny the country’s Constitution and the “Constitutional Rights” that are afforded to the country’s citizens and their children.
5 Court Cases then prove that masks cause bacterial infections, that suppress, hinder and deactivate their citizens “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s” purpose, functions, and abilities to create and maintain “Robust and Crossover Immunity” against COVID 19 strains/mutations and the new variants, as well as becoming susceptible to diseases, chronic diseases, fungi infections and bacterial lung infections, that cause “Pneumonia”, that leads to “Cytokine Storms”, taking place in the lungs and in the bloodstream.
6 Same court case then proves “Robust and Crossover Immunity” to all forms of COVID 19 strains, mutations, and new variants.
- Why? Because there is enough “Published Medical and Scientific Evidence/Proof of documentation, to prove “Robust and Crossover Immunity”, through published scientific papers, as well as global medical press statements and claims, from the “COVID 19 Experts”.
7.1 Global asymptomatic persons, of COVID 19, were proven to have tested positive for COVID 19, via the global gold standard of PCR Test.
Medical science proves that neutrophils present in nasal mucus, saliva, and protective lung mucus secrete “Cytokine”, along with macrophages( 1 per alveolus) and the abundant respiratory epithelial cells, play a major role in defending the alveolus, against pathogens, viruses, and bacteria, and secrete antimicrobial factors, cytokine, and chemokines that cause Inflammation to aid the destruction of viruses so that the full spectrum of viruses antigens and peptides will be present in these “Protective Secretion Layers”.
PCR tests, can easily detect these COVID 19 antigens in any of these secretions, and a sputum spit test would be more than enough, and no need to stick the PCR test swab 6 inches into the nasal cavity, to cause harm and discomfort to anyone going for a “COVID 19 PCR Test”
Cause no harm comes to mind of medical professionals “Oaths”.
7.2 For a year “COVID 19 Experts”, have used the global media and news channels, and various platforms, to announce claims and statements, that “Asymptomatic Persons”, show no overstimulation of “S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies being present in their “Bloodstream”, as a “COVID 19 Antibody Test”, with a mark strip or test kit, with “S-proteins Antigens”, does not react.
COVID 19 Experts, proof of claims that “Asymptomatic Persons” will not have a strong immune system, for they have not had S-proteins/binding/blocking antibodies.
COVID 19 Experts also state that “Asymptomatic Persons” and those with “Mild Symptoms “of COVID 19 don’t have enough “S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies” so they are not good candidates for “Plasma Donor Antibodies”.
7.3 Yet COVID 19 Experts, now state that “COVID 19 Vaccines”, take 4 to 6 weeks to build up a peak of “S-proteins/binding/blocking antibodies” that can now create “Immunity” for global citizens and their children.
The same COVID 19 Experts have stated and claimed that infected COVID 19 infected persons only develop S-proteins/binding/blocking antibodies 2 to 3 weeks after being exposed to be sufficient to be considered “Immunity” worthy.
7.3 Now by the COVID 19 Experts own “Admissions and Press Statement Claims”, how can they claim that “Asymptomatic Persons” should have developed “S-protein/binding/blocking” in such a same time frame or when compared to persons with “Mild Symptoms or Severe Symptoms”, who have just been tested with PCR tests and “COVID 19 Antibody Tests Kits Containing S-protein Antigens”.
7.4 For these positive cases of “Mild and Severe Symptoms”, will also be running a temperature or fever, which are clear indications that “COVID 19 Viruses ” would have entered their “Bloodstream” and just like COVID 19 Vaccines will cause major fever and temperatures within hours of being vaccinated, which are clear indications of “Inflammatory Cytokines”.
7.5 S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies don’t cause “Inflammation Peptides” and don’t have “Cytokines”.
7.6 Now for COVID 19 Experts, government departments representatives, and their medical advisors to claim to their citizens and their children, that having “COVID 19 Vaccines”, will create “Immunity” and “Herd Immunity” are straight out medical lies, for many the elderly, vulnerable, diabetics, comorbidities and obesity suffers can be dead within a week and they don’t have the time for 2 to 3 weeks to develop the so-called “Immunity” or “Herd Immunity”.
7.7 For the COVID 19 Experts to claim that their vaccines can give “Immunity” and “Herd Immunity”, they would have to be “Magical Magicians” to be able to tell the human body’s “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems” that it’s “Evolution” of precise purposes, functions and abilities to create a “Robust and Crossover Immunity” is all wrong and it should start a “New COVID 19 Vaccine Normal” to only use “S-protein/binding/ blocking antibodies, and forget about all its other antibodies, and cells production of antivirals and interferons.
7.8 For the COVID 19 Experts to claim that “Asymptomatic Persons” have not got a good enough Immunity, due to known overstimulation of S-protein/ binding/blocking antibodies, is another medical lie.
For “Asymptomatic Persons” demonstrate a typical medical textbook confirmation of a “Robust Crossover Immunity” of their entire respiratory track’s cell barriers and defences, with the proof that their “Bloodstream” has not been contaminated with COVID 19 viruses,.
Had “Asymptomatic Persons”, respiratory track’s cells failed in the “Innate Immunity”, then the COVID 19 viruses would have entered their “Bloodstream”, and would have triggered Inflammatory peptides and Cytokine secretions from “Neutrophils” and other phagocytes, which would of causes fever and temperature spike, as these “Cytokines” began to destroy viruses and their s-spike proteins, and the “COVID 19 Antibody Test Kits S-protein Antigen”, would have also been destroyed by the blood, from the finger prick, that would contain “Cytokines”.
8 Now global citizens and their children, should not be protesting against masks, lockdown, and “Emergency Authorisation of Experimental COVID 19 Vaccines”, in the streets and beaches, but should use the “Democracy and Humanitarian Claims of their Country” and should use their country’s Constitution and Courts of law, to safeguard the elderly, vulnerable, diabetics, persons with comorbidities, cancer, and obesity suffers and their country’s citizens and children.
- Now the quickest way is to contest in court when people are fined or arrested for choosing not to wear a mask, for claiming it violates their country’s Constitution, on the rights given to them as a citizen of the country.
9.1. A judge cannot ignore, defy or deny a country’s Constitution.
9.2 Then prove masks hinder, suppress, and deactivate the human body’s “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s” purposes, functions and abilities to create and maintain a “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”.
Easy to achieve, medical and scientific evidence/proof/medical textbooks/medical journals/medical and scientific published papers.
9.3 Then prove that all persons recovered from any form of COVID 19 strain/mutation/or new variants, will have “ROBUST and CROSSOVER IMMUNITY” to all forms of COVID 19
Easy to do, as SARS 1 and SARS 2, have been proven” Medically and scientifically” to share some antigens and peptides that are 99% to 100% the same.
More than enough “Medical and Scientific Evidence and Proof” to prove that humans and animals exposed to “Wild Viruses” and recovery will create and maintain a “ROBUST and CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”
Easy to do.
Then prove that all people who have had “Mild and Severe Symptoms” of flu-like symptoms, with Nadia, vomiting, and sensations of wanting to Puke, have been exposed to some form of COVID 19 strain, mutation or new variant, while they were self-isolating at home, many will have been tested as positive for COVID 19 and many would of just self-isolated.
No government officials or courtrooms could claim that those who did not get tested, but self-isolated and medicated, have not been exposed to COVID 19.
And if they do try and push the envelope, then a simple week of working in a COVID 19 hospital ward would prove “Robust and Crossover Immunity” and so would a finger-prick blood sample for a “COVID 19 Antibody Test Kit S-protein Antigen”
After all is a country’s “Economy” and citizens Constitutional Rights to earn a living not deemed worthy of a Country’s Constitution.
This then achieves a mechanism, for global citizens to receive “COVID 19 Passes”, based upon their “Robust and Crossover Immunity”, to all forms of COVID 19, so that they can get their lifestyles and incomes back.
Now given that global citizens and their children have evolved in communities, which is proven by the effectiveness of the human body’s “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s” purposes, functions, and abilities to create and maintain Robust and Crossover Immunity”, for it shows that viruses amongst community members can mutate, but the science on vaccines and medical and scientific evidence also proves that the main shell structure of viruses and the centre of the nucleus does not change much, and the T-cells and Killer T-cells have been proven to gain antigen markers to these peptides.
Now given that COVID 19 Experts and the medical development of vaccines and new therapeutic technology state has been able to treat and cure global CANCER by:
1 Taking blood from cancer patients to acquire their T-cells.
2 Biopsy scraped samples of cancer patients Tumours and cancer cells are taken.
3 In medical laboratories, T-cells are then given these cancer cells markers.
- T-cells are then transfused back into CANCER patients to go and kill the cancer cells in their bodies.
- Now given that helper T-cells and killer T-cells are already proven to do this naturally, as well as being the most important cells for HIV patients to maintain “Immunity” to extend the lives of HIV patients.
6 The why are “COVID 19 Vaccines Developers and Manufacturers” claiming global citizens and their children, can get “Immunity” and “Herd Immunity” if they are “Vaccinated” with “COVID 19 Vaccines”, that only stimulates-protein binding/blocking/antibodies, in 4 to 6 weeks.
No HIV Patients are told that binding blocking antibodies can give them Immunity, or are their body’s main “Immunity”.
- For medical and scientific evidence and proof already proves the following:
7.1 Cancer and obesity suffers, diabetics and those with comorbidities already have a problem with insulin, which the science proves is of utmost importance to activate respiratory epithelial cells and other phagocytes in lungs defence and barrier to destroy COVID 19 viruses, Bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens.
7.2 Cancer cells and bacteria, fungi, colds, flu, Influenza, and Coronavirus all secrete “Nagalase Enzymes/Peptides” that hijack the human’s body’s cells production of “Antivirals and Interferons”, essential for the “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s” antibodies to activate.
7.3 This proves that “COVID 19 Vaccines” will not work, as the “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”, will have shut down and deactivate, which means the end of “S-protein /binding/ blocking antibodies as helper T-cells and B-cells won’t be able to activate to be able to use “Interferons” to start the production of S-protein binding/blocking/ antibodies.
This means no leaking of S-protein binding blocking antibodies in 2 to 3 weeks or getting an “S-protein binding blocking antibody Immunity” in 4 to 6 weeks.
7.4 Inflammation, fever, and temperature spikes are the cause of “Cytokine Production”, which has been proven to cause the “Bloodstream” to convert glucose and good cholesterol fats into “Fat Storage”, which causes “Vitamin D Levels” to drop drastically.
80% of COVID 19 patients have extreme levels of vitamin D shortages, and the “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems” cannot activate their Antibodies for vitamin D levels cause and allow for these Antibodies to activate, so as to create and maintain a “ROBUST and CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”.
7.5 This means many cancer and obesity suffers, diabetics and those with comorbidities will be dead long before the “COVID 19 Vaccines”, can mysteriously give them “Immunity” or “Herd Immunity”.
10 This “Free eBook” has also been made so as to create the platform for more people to be saved from not dying of COVID 19 viruses or the medical conditions that arise, as well as to curb and prevent global warming, climate change, the 6th Mass Extinction and Polar Flipping.
- Achievable in the following ways.
- Using T-shirts to create awareness and raise money for the goals of the eBook to be achieved.
- 80 % of the money raised goes to the country’s citizens where the purchase was made. 20% will go to other countries to seed their citizen’s projects.
- The following Projects to be seeded and started countries.
- Moringa trees production so as to give to the elderly, vulnerable, and poor to boost their natural “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s”, purposes, functions, and abilities to create and maintaining a “Robust and Crossover Immunity” to COVID 19 and other diseases.
Old age homes greenhouse production of “Moringa Trees and Ginger” as well as community-based greenhouse and open field production, incorrect climate and environmental production.
- Fresh free produce production for the needy, elderly, and vulnerable.
3 Water Projects to filter out Pollution and pollutants of Nano plastic, blue-green algae, farm fertilizers nutrients, chemical pollutants, herbicide and poisons, sewage and septic tank pollutants from rivers, damages, reservoirs, lakes, and dams
4 The production of “Oxygen and Hydrogen” from rising sea levels and flooding, by community-owned and managed projections.
5 Oxygen is released in the atmosphere and the “Hydrogen” is used and sold to maintain and pay for these projects and to seed more of the same projects throughout their country.
6 The Cretaceous Period proves that there was practically no “Polar Flipping” during this period, and is the biggest period of the “Planets History” of astronomical amounts of “Oxygen” which are the “Keys” to curbing and stopping global warming, climate change, the 6th Mass Extinction, and Polar Flipping.
Oxygen also strengthens the Planet’s Protective Ozone, Cosmic Magnetic Shield against the sun’s daily radiation, and Solar Flares.
There is not enough vegetation on the Planet to create enough “Oxygen” to achieve these goals and only by converting rising ocean waters and flooding waters, and orograhical clouds, on mountains tops, into “Oxygen and Hydrogen” so that “Oxygen ” can be released into the atmosphere to protect and aid Nature’s Balance of these known functions of the Planet.
7 Projects to green the “Deserts”.
8 . Projects to capture mountain clouds.
- Projects to aid the increase of the Oceans fish stock biomass, using no artificial pellet feeds, but only the natural cycles of Nature of the world’s Oceans, fry to be released and some to be grown out and harvested, but no pellet feeds, only the Nature cycles of Nature.
- Communities get to own and manage their “Hydrogen Production” to make cheaper and environmentally friendly electricity to grow their Economy cheaper, which aids more opportunities for their citizens to be successfully in acquiring money/incomes/profits to maintain their lifestyles, diets, and infrastructure of the country, to be more in harmony with Nature
- I’m going back to sea for 9 to 10 days, and when I am back will work on putting this eBook and it’s solutions in more details, with solutions of sketches and drawing of how to bring about these “Water Projects for Communities, Nature’s Wildlife and Marine life and do this Beautiful Blue Planet”.
In the meantime, I hope you see the bonuses of Community owned and managed projects, as well as keep working on ending the “Global COVID 19 Pandemic”, which is easy to do and be achieved.
And you can afford yourselves the opportunity to have a look at on the “Water Projects” I’m talking about.
Will also post my random notes here, addressing the “Global COVID 19 Pandemic”.
And when I’m back I will edit this eBook.
Be and become the “Rainbow Children for Truths of the Light”
Random notes to be edited:
“Free Step by Step Guide”, for you to help save your “Loved Ones”, during a COVID 19 Infection, of any forms these viruses.
The only way you can help your “Loved Ones” achieve a ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, against all forms of COVID 19 viruses, will be for you to understand exactly what are the potential life-threatening short term and long term side-effects and risks, that they will be facing bodily(medically), emotionally and mentally.
You will need to understand, how COVID viruses can/and do affect the various major parts of the human body. (Which is easy, for you will soon know and understand why, how, when, where and who, easily).
Easy Understandings, on how COVID 19 viruses affect the following parts, purposes, functions and abilities of the human body. (With medically and scientific links, for each numbered part).
The “Free Step by Step Guide”, is also for you/and your “Loved Ones” to regain your/and their emotional wellness, mental health, as to not have your innate and adaptive immune systems, weakened, suppressed or deactivated and to promote/cause overall wellness of your and your ‘Loved One’s” bodies, mind-sets and “Souls”.
Section (11:11) 11.?
* * * * * For children and teenagers who are suffering from COVID 19 anxieties, fears, stress, worries, concerns and clinical depression, and are questioning if you still have a future and what is your purpose and why am I here, and what has happened to the world’s citizens to so easily be excepting life as the “New COVID Normal”, you can rest assured that once you read this text or your parent, brother, sister, relative or guardian reads it to you, your anxieties, fears and clinical depression will stop, for you will have the “Knowledge” of understandings and your “Why” questions will be answered and you will see that you don’t need to fear any form of COVID 19 viruses or the “New Variants”, and yes you are here for the purpose to enjoy and thrive with your “Gift of Life”, and yes you have a future to live the best version of “You”.
I will also break this text down, for you, and make it more simple for you to understand, and will place the simple version at the bottom of this text.* * * * *
(5 + 1 + 5)
- Innate Immune Systems.
Unfortunately globally, media and COVID 19 medical experts/and advisors, are not talking much/or promoting Information or informing global citizens and their children, on the importance of their “Innate Immune System’s’ purposes, functions and abilities, to easily create and maintain a ‘ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, in three days, against all forms of COVID 19 viruses, and thereafter a week/week and a half, to clear the mucus phlegm off/on/in their lungs and air sacs, to once again have/achieve/maintain a clear healthy protective lung mucus later.
Globally, citizens know that a cold/ flu/influenza, will take two to three days, for their “Innate Immune System’, to beat the viruses and for their body to show signs that recovery has now begun, and it will be a week to a week and a half, for their lung’s protective mucus layers, to go through the cycles of green phlegm, yellow-green phlegm and then to once again achieve and observe a clear healthy lung mucus( sputum), which medically indicates that the viruses have been removed and cleared from the body’s lungs.
80% of the elderly and the vulnerable who have died in past years due to colds, flu and Influenza viruses, is/has been due to them developing “Bacterial Lung Infections”, known as “Pneumonia”.
The innate immune system consists of nasal mucus, saliva, lung mucus
- Adaptive Immune System
- Mucus, Saliva and Lung Mucus, protection/barrier-defences, and antibodies purposes, functions and abilities.
(((Links: website/blog
((Link: website/blog
Links: Medical and Scientific research/studies/publication/Evidence/ Proof of humans and animals, exposed to “Forms of Wild Viruses”, proven to have developed ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, of their innate immune system, that prevents these “Wild Viruses Re-exposure”, from being able to infect their respiratory track’s cell’s, in an overwhelming manner, or from being able to infect their adaptive immune system in an overwhelming manner, that would cause overstimulation of antibodies that would cause Inflammation or a cytokine storm of the bloodstream or of the protective mucus layer of the lungs.
- Masks
- Emergency Authorisation of COVID 19 Vaccines was only approved globally, due to claims that there are no other drug treatments, to cure or treat COVID 19, or prevent global citizens and their children from not “Dying”, from COVID 19.
The global claim is that all persons should be vaccinated, even if they have recovered from COVID 19, so that the COVID 19 viruses can be eliminated due to “Humanity”, now having “Herd Immunity”, due to being vaccinated, with some form of “COVID 19 Vaccines”.
Globally, humanitarian questions should be being asked:
- “Why would/are individuals/Organisation/Governments/Medical Professional Advisors/COVID 19 Medical-media experts encouraging/promoting/advising/manipulating and deceiving persons who have recovered from COVID 19, to take COVID 19 vaccines, for the present and past medical science proves that humans and animals who have recovered from “Wild Viruses”, will develop “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY” to these “Wild Viruses”.
- Why jeopardised and subject global citizens and their children, who have recovered from “COVID 19 Wild Viruses”, to the side-effects being reported globally via press statements on main media, new channels, COVID 19 vaccine developers/manufacturers, CDC websites, Government health websites, organisations websites and social media and personal experiences from vaccinated persons.
- For more than a year, many COVID 19 medical professionals and experts, government advisors, COVID 19 vaccine developers/manufacturers, many private doctors, virologists, immunologists, government health research and science departments and the World Health Organisation, have been making press statements, and display on their websites and social media platforms, as proof and evidence that they have proven that S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies fade very quickly.
They have gone out of their way to prove that “COVID 19 Vaccines” that are solely focused on forcing the human body to produce S-proteins/binding blocking antibodies will fade in 48 days, according to the researched human trials.
Links: Fading S-protein/binding blocking Antibodies:
3.1 Questions:
3.1.1: How now, 2021, can they and governments, claim that if global citizens and their children get vaccinated
With “COVID 19 Vaccines”, they will then achieve “Herd Immunity”.
3.1.2 What medical or scientific evidence or proof are they “Claiming Herd Immunity” upon?
3.1.3 Is their claim of “Herd Immunity”, based on being “COVID 19 Vaccinated”, not medical malpractice, medical fraud, wilfully and purposefully endangering and jeopardising the lives of the elderly, vulnerable, those with comorbidities, diabetics, cancer and obesity suffer, with false and untrue medical claims and medical advice.
3.1.4 For medical and scientific evidence/proof/research/published medical and scientific papers/COVID 19 data/global autopsies/medical journals and textbooks, and hospital medical data on treating COVID 19 patients, both in COVID 19 Wards and COVID 19 ICU wards: The elderly, vulnerable, those with comorbidities, diabetics, cancer and obesity suffers who have died in hospitals or in isolation after contracting COVID 19, have shown clear signs of pneumonia cytokine storms of their lungs mucus layer and their bloodstream, which has been backed up by autopsies confirming these cytokine storms.
Now given that “Neutrophils” makeup 75% of the total amount of all antibodies in the human body, and are responsible for fever and cytokine storms, or causing Inflammation heat if the body sustains an injury to limbs or any part of the body.
Then due to the autopsies, it is proof and evidence that there are more than enough neutrophils present in the elderly and vulnerable bodies. The medical and scientific evidence and proof of the “Innate Immune System”, confirms that “Neutrophils”, present in nasal mucus, saliva and lung mucus, will destroy bacteria, pathogens and COVID 19 viruses, and will make all of the viruses antigens and peptides available to the respiratory track’s cells and glands.
– Neutrophils and Macrophages Double Edge Sword.
– Neutrophils and Antibodies present in nasal mucus, saliva and lung mucus
This proves that the bodies of elderly and the vulnerable will get the full spectrum of each and every antigen and peptide of a COVID 19 virus, but unfortunately their “Innate and Adaptive Immune System”, are unable to create and maintain a “Robust Crossover Immunity”, and their two immune systems will be overwhelmed by COVID 19 virus’s S-proteins, that produce “Nagalase Enzymes”, that will hijack the tissue cell’s production of “Antivirals and Interferons”, which will deactivate antibodies purposes, functions and abilities. (11:11) this means that the elderly and vulnerable will not be saved with “COVID 19 Vaccines”
(11:11) 1. Why was the “Emergency Authorisation of COVID Vaccines” given if the medical and scientific evidence proves that they will not work?
(11:11) 2. Why were so many of the global “Elderly and Vulnerable”, triage accessed, and denied access to hospitals treatments, and sent home without even being given ARVs (Antivirals), Antibiotics to ward off bacterial lung infections, or those with comorbidities not given plant-based alkaloids antivirals and anti-inflammatory alkaloids, as many of their chronic medication contains “Hydrochlorides” that hinders “Red Blood Cells” iron levels, which results in shortness of breath, because the “Red Blood Cells” cannot hold sufficient “Oxygen” levels.
(11:11) 3. How can so many claim “Humanitarian Status of Actions”, if they ignore, defy and deny “Knowledge of Actions”, that would of saved so many of the “Elderly and the Vulnerable Lives”.
(11:11) 4. COVID 19 Vaccines, contain S-proteins that are medically and scientifically proven to produce “Nagalase Enzymes” the moment that S-proteins bind to human tissue cell’s ACE 2 receptors.
(11:11) 5. The elderly, vulnerable, those with comorbidities, diabetics, cancer and obesity suffers have not got two weeks to build up S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies after they have contacted a “Wild Form of COVID 19 Viruses”, for medical, scientific and media data has proven that citizens being exposed at an event, funeral, rave-party or coming into contact with a confirmed COVID 19 person(s), have been known to die within a “WEEK”.
(11:11) 6. All information and data, given global, via press statements and displayed on social media platforms and websites of global CDC departments, government health departments, private and public medical platforms, COVID 19 developers/manufacturers, World Health Organisation, concerned medical professionals state that it takes 2 to 4 weeks to build up sufficient S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies.
(11:11) 11.7 “Asymptomatic Persons”, have already been proven to not have overstimulation of antibodies taking place in their bloodstream, which has been/is proven by “COVID 19 Antibody Tests”, that detected no overstimulation of S-protein/binding/blocking/antibodies.
(11:11) 11.8 this proves that “Asymptomatic Persons”, have well-functioning and healthy “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”.
(11:11) 11. What would the “Dead”, want to warn their “Loved Ones, Relatives, Friends, and Humanity” about:
Masks, Robust Crossover Immunity, and COVID 19 Vaccines?
(11:11) 11.1 S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies only “Peak 4 to 6 Weeks”, after COVID 19 infections, so as to aid the “Filtration” of the bloodstream, by binding to any viruses being released(shedding) and excess S-protein antigens/peptides being released by cell’s MHC receptors into the bloodstream, so as to use “Y & T Antibodies”, to form stringy- clumpy blood that will be filtered out by the liver, and this is the main purposes, functions and abilities of ” Y & T S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies, and the reasons why medical and scientific evidence is/and has proven/ and has revealed that these antibodies only peak at 4 to 6 weeks and how fast they fade.
(11:11) 11.2 The S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies are the “Mop-Up Team”, and are not the human body’s main defence against a COVID 19 infection.
(11:11) 11.2.1 Asymptomatic Persons, reveal what a “Robust Crossover Immunity”, is/what it looks like/how it is achieved as per medical journals/medical textbooks/as proven and revealed by medical and scientific research and experiments, on humans and animals, who have been exposed to “Wild Viruses” and recovered to reveal that they cannot be infected by these “Same or Similar Wild Viruses”, as long as their “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”, remain functional and healthy, and are not forced/or caused to deactivate, due to actions that are purposefully and wilfully taken, to cause and lead to their “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems” being compromised, hindered so that they will deactivate or prevent the purposes, functions and abilities of the “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems” from being able to take “Place”, in order to maintain the body’s ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, that has been achieved.
(11:11) 11.2.? DNA can/and dose go through repair in the human body:
(11:11) 11.2.? Proof of only 8 confirmed “Re-Infections”, in the entire “World/Planet” and these “Re-Infections”, were of people with “Compromised Immune Systems”.
(11:11) 11.2.? Medical Staff globally, who have recovered from COVID 19 strains, mutations, and new variants, are proving they have achieved a “Robust Crossover Immunity”, as they are still working in hospital COVID 19 Wards and are not being re-Infected, by any of the various forms of COVID 19 strains, mutations or new variants, present in these “COVID 19 Wards”.
- Had/and if global medical staff working in “Hospital COVID 19 Wards”, were being “Re-Infected”, it would have been/and be reported “Globally” on every available major news channel, media platforms and social media platforms.
- Some of South Africa’s doctors are claiming, medical staff working in hospitals are getting “Re-Infected”.
2.1 Where is their evidence and proof of their claims and statements, of medical staff, being “Re-Infected” with COVID 19 viruses?
2.2. Did they test these claimed “Re-Infections”, for “Nagalase Enzymes and Peptides” being present in their bloodstreams.
2.3. Are the “Nagalase Enzymes” being caused by existing cancer cells or tumorous growths?
2.4 Were these claimed “Re-Infections”, wearing masks “Religiously”, and did/or are their protective lung mucus layers, showing signs of “Neutrophils” being activated to destroy the accumulating bacteria, pathogen and COVID 19 viruses, that these medical staff were breathing into to their lungs, during their work hours in and amongst COVID 19 patients, in COVID 19 wards or ICU wards?
2.5 Did these doctors observed an increase of bacteria, pathogens and COVID 19 virus forms, accumulating in the lungs of their medical staff wearing masks, because they are/and have been forced to rebreathe and circulate these pathogens between their nose, lungs and nose-mouth, for the full duration of their working hours, as well as their time off when in public spaces, being forced to wear masks.?
2.6 Do South African doctors and medical professionals, at their hospitals, believe it to be a good thing to compromise, hinder and prevent the hospital’s medical staff “Innate Immune System’s” from being able to fore fill its purposes, functions and abilities.
2.7 Do South African Doctors and medical professionals, acknowledge that a few of the “Innate Immune System”, purposes, functions and abilities are:
2.7.1 To use nasal mucus as a barrier and defence against bacteria, pathogens and viruses.
2.7.2 Where these pathogens will be trapped in the mucus layer, where “Neutrophils (Antibodies)”, will secrete “Cytokine Storm Enzymes/Peptides”, that destroy, breakup and kill/deactivate viruses, so that they disintegrate into smaller molecules, antigens and peptides that will be floating and mixed into nasal mucus and saliva, and will be dripping(being expelled from the body) from the nose, as a runny nose, as well as a back-drop and drip of a sinus mixture(containing the full spectrum of every antigen and peptide of the COVID 19 viruses, that attempted to infect the person) that will be entering lung mucus, as air-gulping and swallowing, and deep and shallow mouth breaths, will be causing airborne particles of mucus to enter the lungs, as people with running dripping noses, tend to breathe through their mouths, to limit their dripping nose, by not breath out by their nose, but prefer to inhale through their nose and gulp air through their mouth, so as to swallow their back drop of sinus secretions.
2.7.3 Did the claimed “Re-Infections” of medical staff base the positive case of COVID 19 on the “World’s Golden Standard of a PCR Deep Nasal Test Swab”, for medical staff working in COVID 19 Hospital wards, would in Hale and trap viruses in the nasal mucus and lung mucus.?
2.7.3 Was the claimed “Re-Infections” cases also tested to see if any COVID 19 viruses had broken their “Innate Immune System’s'” respiratory track’s cells to enter the bloodstream
2.5 Did these claimed “Re-Infections
(11:11) 11:2.? Tumours are proven to be able to shrink (proven by X-rays)
(11:11) 11.2.? Septicaemia is the body’s mechanism to remove damaged and dead tissue cells
(11:11) 11.3 Stop being/and allowing yourselves to be deceived, manipulation and conned out of helping your “Loved One’s, Friends, Relatives and Humanity”, easily recover from any form of COVID 19. For most of the media is been used to capture your mind and mind-set for you to be used as a “Tool”, to sow manipulation, deception and deceitfulness, so as to cause division amongst your community members to not acknowledge the “Truth of Medical and Scientific Evidence and Proof”.
3.2 Global media was used to disprove “COVID 19 Immunity”, being present in and amongst citizens and their children and “Herd Immunity”, was downplayed and shunned as not possible, in countries that had chosen to not lockdown their citizens or country, or to mask up to their citizens.
The World Health Organisation even sent out an advisor letter and press statement that, United Nation’s governments, who hold seats on the UN, should not issue “Working or Travel Permits/Passes”, to any of their citizens who recover from COVID 19, as they don’t know how long “COVID 19 Immunity” lasts.
3.1 Medical science research/experiments/evidence/published medical and scientific papers have already proven during past years and the present, that humans and animals who are exposed to “Wild Viruses” and then recover, will create and maintain a “Robust Crossover Immunity”, due to their “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s” antibodies being given and obtaining the full spectrum of each and every antigen and peptide, that “Wild Viruses” consist of.
Yet the WHO announced that 80% of global citizens will recover easily from COVID 19 with ease and have mild flu symptoms, and many would not even know they had been exposed to COVID 19 and had already recovered.
WHO stated 20% of global citizens would experience more severe symptoms and 10% would be hospitalised.
One of the side-effects of COVID 19 Vaccines, stated on the medical-leaflets is “DEATH”. Why are global citizens and their children being encouraged to take “COVID 19 Vaccines” that could result in their “DEATH”, yet statements globally claim the vaccines are “SAFE”, how can “DEATH as a SIDE-EFFECT, be considered as SAFE”.
- COVID 19 Vaccines
It should be considered medical fraud and purposefully wilful medical misrepresentation and medical misinformation. of claiming that COVID 19 vaccine vaccinations, can create “Herd Immunity” amongst the elderly, vulnerable, cancer and obesity suffers, diabetics and those with comorbidities, or amongst the healthier citizens and their children of South Africa.
* The Elderly already have fewer tissue ACE 2 receptors, which receive and send antivirals and interferons, into their bloodstream
Globally, at the beginning of the “COVID 19 Pandemic”, via press and public statements from medical professionals/Organisation health experts and worldly government departments, it was stated that 80% of global citizens would easily recover from COVID 19 and many would not even know that they have had the viruses.
It was announced that 20% would experience severe symptoms and many would-be admitted to hospitals.
Now present and past medical science proves that humans and animals, which are exposed and recover from “Wild Viruses”, will develop “Robust Crossover Immunity”.
Medical science has already proven that exposure to colds and flu, has caused crossover immunity responses to COVID 19
Why would medical science want to jeopardize and expose billions of citizens and their children to the short term side-effects, and the unknown long term side-effects of COVID 19 Vaccines, for past years and present medical science has already “Proven’ that humans and animals, who recover from ‘Wild Viruses”, will develop a ‘ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY’, to various forms of
Constitution and Law Courts, in many countries not being used to protect the lives, mental wellness and overall of their citizens and their children, livelihoods, incomes of citizens and big and small businesses.
Insurance Problem pay out for Businesses, monies are taken from medical insurance,
Do research on: People who get COVID 19 and experience or develop the following conditions, or worsen these medical conditions:
* Hypothyroid (lady had this existing conditions and it has been exacerbated by having COVID 19)
Conclusion Regarding Crushed Global Economies:
Global media and news reporting channels reported on various countries’ “Hospitals” adopting best health care proficiency policies and the Hospitals adopted Triage Assessments”
For you to consider, regarding the “Free Step by Step Guide
If you believe the information has been helpful to you and your “Loved Ones”, then please consider supporting the goals of the “Step by Step Guide”.
You can consider sharing the “Step by Step Guide”, with your relatives, friends and your fellow country’s citizens.
Goals of ‘ Free Step by Step Guide’s
* Present information, to help citizens understand what their family, relatives, friends and country’s citizens, will be facing if they become infected with a form of COVID 19.
Information and knowledge to allow for better-informed decisions to be made, that saves citizens and their children’s lives, mental wellness, present and future overall health.
Information, knowledge, medical and scientific evidence/proof allows for various countries Constitutions and Law Courts, to protect their citizens and children’s lives, mental health, emotional sanity and present and future overall health.
Country’s Constitution and Law Courts, are then afforded the ability to prevent government department’s representative’s, from jeopardising their country’s GDP’s economic growth, forcing their country into debt to purchase COVID 19 Vaccines, forcing their country into lockdowns that have caused big and small businesses into bankruptcy, foreclosures or retrenchment of employees, citizens lost income/wages/earnings and employment opportunities crushed.
South African Medical Research’s head talking on Cape Talk, 9h50, 1 Feb 2021, stating they have global data and proof on the percentage of how effective the COVID 19 Vaccines are, but then states that don’t know how long Immunity will last, then how can she/and them claim the effectiveness of COVID 19 Vaccines.
Claim some COVID 19 Vaccines are effective against “New Global Variants”, but don’t know how long Immunity will last if they don’t know how long Immunity will last, then why subject billions of people to the side-effects of these vaccines, with one of the side-effects being stated as “DEATH”, and long term side -effects “UNKNOWN”.
If globally the medically science is stating global ‘New Variants”, can they release the date of the “Antigens and Peptides”, that these “New Variant s” have gained, for that can help global citizens medical science to prevent these particular “Antigens and Peptide Sources” being introduced amongst community members.
After all is it not a “Humanitarian Cause/Campaign”, to protect Humanity by using medical science that can be used to protect global citizens and their children.
Is it not in Humanity’s interest to identify these “Antigens and Peptides” that COVID 19 strains and Mutations have now gained?
Concerns on said Global Humanitarian campaigns and drive to vaccinate as many global citizens as possible:
* ” If one of the side-effects is “Death”, is this considered as “Humanitarian” to jeopardised the lives of global citizens with “Death”, due to being Vaccinated.
Do Country’s Constitution, still Protective the lives of their citizens.
* Have the “Antigens and Peptides” being identified in the “New Variants”, for medically and scientifically these antigens and peptides would have had to have been identified, to claim “New Varieties of COVID 19”, that are totally different to COVID 19 strains and their Mutations.
- Second Wave globally, has been blamed on the “Global New VARIANTS”.
Why have the COVID 19 Medical Experts, Medical Advisors, Governments, and Virologists now shifted away from calling the “New VARIANTS”, as new COVID 19 Strains or Mutations?
For if they are now blaming the second wave globally on “New VARIANTS”, and then what are the new antigens and peptides, that “COVID 19 Strains and Mutations”
- Global statements and media discussions and debates, if companies can force their employees to take “COVID 19 Vaccines”.
- From companies points of views, they are raising the questions that companies need to ensure the “Healthy and Safety of their employees”.
- From employees point of view their country’s Constitution gives them the “Freedom of Choice.
- From a Medical and Scientific point of view that both 1 and 2 are not taking into consideration, is that it has been proven that humans and animals when exposed to “Wild Viruses”, and they recovery, they then develop a “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, to various forms of the “Wild Viruses”.
- Will employees charge their employers the “Black-mail” of losing their job, as well as attempted murder and manipulation, to force their employees to subject their employees to a chance of dying or sustaining long term damages, given that is now “Public Knowledge” that some people have died within 24 hours after taking “COVID 19 Vaccinations
Given the now “Public Knowledge”, that some people are experiencing “Anaphylactic Shock”, where deaths have occurred.
Is a side-effect of “Death” listed on the medical leaflet insert of COVID 19 Vaccines?
If global companies are liable for employees “Safety and Health”, are these companies then not liable to do risk assessments, and seek professional medical advice on whether employees who were exposed to “Wild COVID 19 Viruses” and have now recovered, do they have “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, or are companies allowed to ignore, defy and deny the medical and scientific evidence and proof of what “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY” means
Would companies who ignore, defy and deny the medical scientific evidence and proof of “Robust Crossover Immunity”, be liable for not providing “Safety and Health”, for their employees at workplaces, like mental health and burnout, is being discussed on many media and radio stations, and even the World Health Organisation has listed “Work Place Burnout as an “official disease”.
Will global consumers start boycotting companies, who try and force “COVID 19 Vaccines” on their employees, as at present they are global campaigns to boycott companies who support “Fossil-fuels?
Or will global citizens who are concerned about how media is being used to mentally traumatised, and bully global citizens and their children emotional wellness and compromise their overall health, due to fear, which weakened immune systems, decides to fund the first court case against any company in the country who try to force their employees to take “Emergency Authorised Experimental COVID 19 Vaccines”.
Will citizens and employees hold their employers liable in their personal and official company positions, for not complying to their own company’s “Safety and Health Policies”, as well as according to the country’s law of “Occupational Health and Safety of Employees”, as it is now “Public Knowledge”, stated by many global doctors that masks cause bacterial lung infections, that results in weakening of the innate and adaptive immune systems, which forces masks, wearers, to become susceptible to diseases, pathogens and COVID 19 viruses.
Global companies are stating that they may use their company’s “Safety and Health Policies”, to force mandatory vaccines, yet are the same companies “Safety and Health Policies”, forcing their employees to wear masks, to weaken their employees “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”, to force their employees to become susceptible to diseases and COVID 19 viruses?.
Will companies “Safety and Health Policies”, that are choosing to ignore, defy and deny the South African President, who stated on national television, that nobody will be “Forced ” to take “COVID 19 Vaccines”, still willing except the South Africa President’s command and laws, to mask up to their employees.
Do/and are companies “Safety and Health Policies”, willing or purposefully ignoring, defying and denying the medical and scientific evidence and proof, that masks cause increased “Bacterial Lung Infections”, and cause/lead to hindering/disrupting and deactivating the human body’s “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s”, purposes, functions and abilities, to create or maintain a “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”.
Will consumers and employees, now are holding companies and policy enforcing employees, liable in their personal capacity and official capacity, for enforcing masks to be worn.
Will country’s Constitution and Law Courts, by defending and upholding the country’s citizens and their children’s right to “Safety and Health, Life, Mental Wellness and overall Health”.
Will “Class Action Law-suits” begin to be reported by global media and Court-houses”?
Do/and are companies “Safety and Health Policies RISK and Assessments”, going to ignore, defy and deny, the global “Public Knowledge”, and press’s statements from governments and COVID 19 Experts, that the 2nd Wave, has been/and being stated as due/ and being caused by the “New Global Variants of COVID 19 Viruses”.
Will companies “Safety and Health Policies Risk and Assessments”, take heed, under their liability of “Safety and Health”, that “New VARIANTS”, mean that “New Antigens and Peptides”, have been gained by COVID 19 strains and mutations, to be able to be called and labelled as “New Varieties of COVID 19” which are now being called “New VARIANTS”.
Given that some companies have created company policies, campaigns/drives and pressurization to ensure that each year their employees take “Flu Shots”, which would be that companies are fully aware that viruses can “Mutate”.
Therefore did companies “Safety and Health Risk and Assessments”, determine how these “Flu -shots”, are manufactured and engineered by using “Antigenic Drifts” of antigens and peptides.
Now given that “Antigenic Drift”, is public knowledge and description of how “Flu Shot” are engineered and manufactured, then companies “Safety and Health Policies Risk and Assessments”, should be taking greater action(s) to ensure that they are complying with “Safety and Health Liabilities” to protect their staff against antigens and peptides being used to engineer and manufacture flu shots and COVID 19 Vaccines, that will allow for “Antigenic Drifts” to take place in their employee’s bodies, that will cause/and lead to new strains, mutations and new variants.
Just because “COVID 19 Vaccine Developers and Manufacturers”, have been given “Indemnity” against short or long term side-effects, or against any “DEATHS” causes by COVID 19 Vaccines, it does not mean companies have received “Indemnity” for any adverse side-effects or “DEATHS” for forcing their employees to take “Flu Shots or COVID 19 Vaccines”, for companies are still liable and accountable for their “Safety and Health Policies Risk Assessments”.
- “Big Fearmongering Campaigns Stating/and Claiming” that if “Herd Immunity”, is not achieved, then global citizens Constitutional Rights, must be taken away, and global citizens and their children should be forced to be “Vaccinated”, with COVID 19 Vaccines.
Medical and Scientific Evidence/Data/Proof/Medical Journals and medical textbooks, to be considered, by country’s Constitutional Courts and Law Courts:
- The Spanish Flu “Burnout”, within 2 years.
- Medical and scientific evidence and press statements, state that viruses will weaken amongst community members as the viruses spread.
2.1 Medically and scientifically proven and stated during the manufacturing of vaccines, where live/active viruses are re-cultured a number of times in laboratories to weaken them so that viruses can be used in vaccines.
Big Drive for Governments to implement laws for the “Greater Good of the Country’s Citizens” seems like they pushing hard for all citizens and their children to accept the “Emergency Authorisation of Experimental COVID 19 Vaccines, which the manufacturers state they have no idea how long Immunity will last or the long term side-effects of these Vaccines”.
Constitutional Court, will citizens, big and small businesses have to go to court to gain their human rights of having “Robust Crossover Immunity”, as per the proven science, so as gain their right to earn a living, incomes
- Afri-forum, in South Africa, wins their court cause against (SA…) to allow South African doctors to prescribe “Ivermectin” as
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How can global Governments, and medical professionals and advisors be stating and claiming “Herd Immunity” if global citizens take “COVID 19 Vaccines”, for the S-protein/binding blocking antibodies only peak 4 to 6 weeks after Infection?
But present medical and scientific evidence and proof reveals that:
- Some citizens are dead within a week, due to Cytokine Storms taking place in lung mucus layers and the bloodstream.
2 Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems have already been deactivated, due to Inflammation causing vitamin D levels to drop, which means no antibody activity’s, which means the 4 to 6 weeks of peak S-proteins Binding Blocking Antibodies, will never be reached.
- So, on what medical and scientific evidence and prove are they claiming “S-proteins/binding blocking antibodies”, that all COVID 19 Vaccines are focused on, will be able to give global citizens and their children “Herd Immunity” so that they can go back to “Normal Lifestyles”.
Is this not medical and scientific misrepresentation, or medical fraud, or medical malpractices that will cause loss of life due to the present known side -effects of COVID 19 Vaccines.
For children and teenagers to regain their mental wellness, emotional wellness and sanity, and their overall wellness of their health, bodies and Souls:
1 At the beginning of the “Global COVID 19 Pandemic”, it was stated via major news channels, media and many available platforms, that children and school goers are not affected badly by COVID 19 viruses, and children recover quickly and easily from being infected.
In South Africa school children being confirmed to be positive for COVID 19, yet they were not dying.
Confirmed overseas children were easily recovering from COVID 19 viruses.
- Yet now globally, the “Second Wave” of COVID 19 is being blamed on the “New Variants of COVID 19 viruses”.
- So what has changed?
3.1 Global there are now “New Variants”, which means COVID 19 strains and mutations, have gained antigens and peptides, by using “Antigenic Drifts” as a means (a mechanism) to take place in the bodies of global citizens and their children, so as to form the “Global New Variants of COVID 19 viruses”.
3.1.1 Remember the “Spanish Flu”, of 1918, burnout in two years, because medically and scientifically it is proven in laboratories, that if viruses are re-cultured (grown over and over) they will lose antigens and peptides, and they will weaken, when compared to the original viruses, before they were re-grown over and over, in the cells of the laboratory cultures.
– Spanish Flu Burnout in 2 Years.
– Viruses Re-grown over and over again in Laboratories to weaken them so that these active/live viruses can be used in Vaccines:
Find more of your own Links, to broaden your mind, so that you can become informed and knowledgeable, to be able to make informed decisions to protect your life, and your family’s health, mental wellness and Souls.
3.1.2 So medically and scientifically it is/and has been proven the if “Wild Viruses(Polio, Chickenpox, Measles, Spanish Flu, COVID 19, etc.) are grown in laboratories tissues cells or amongst global citizens and their children’s body’s cells, they will weaken and burnout.
3.1.3 Remember you have been/and are being told to “Trust the Scientific Evidence/Proof.
3.1.4 You can google search, with your family members and find the information, statements and claims that “Past Vaccines Development and Manufacturing”, that use active/live viruses, are first re-grown over and over and over again to weaken them so that they can be used in vaccines for “Polio Chickenpox Measles, etc.”.
Links: Viruses Re-grown in lavatories, to weaken them so that they can be used in “Vaccines”
3.1.5 So now you and your family members will have worked-out, and confirmed medically and scientifically, with the evidence and proof confirmed/and being confirmed by you and your family members, that viruses will weaken if re-grown over and over again, but you will also know that viruses can strengthen if they are given antigens or peptides when they are re-growing and making copies (replicating) of themselves.
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Remember you have been told not to share “Social Media Posts” if you have not “Fact Checked”, these posts by using Google or medical and scientific evidence/proof or medical journals/medical textbooks or published medical and scientific papers.
Now this is very important:
Have you noticed how many radio stations, major news channels and media make statements and claims and punt opinions that contradict the very “Medical and Scientific Evidence”, that you are being told to “Trust”.
Now if you decide to accept these opinions and claims to be the “New Normal of Truth” and believed them to be Medical and Scientific Evidence”, and you then choose to use these “New Normal believed truths” to make your new informed decisions to protect your life, health and mental wellness, who will you then “Blame”, if you discover that your believed informed decisions have jeopardized your life, health and mental wellness.
What I can tell you, is that globally, many main news channels and media are been used to make you make “Incorrect informed decisions”, that will jeopardize your life, health and mental wellness.
Why? Because many of the media platforms are totally contradicting the very “Medical and Scientific Evidence and Proof”, you are being told to trust.
Don’t let people manipulated and deceived you, by undermining your intelligence, logical thought, and capabilities and skills of analytical data (written text, videos, google research, medical and scientific evidence/proof) deciphering (understandings/comprehension).
Now here is the “Beauty of Truth”, they can only succeed if you “Fall” for their manipulations and deceitfulness, but guess what you won’t fall for their manipulations and deceitfulness, why because you are becoming informed to make well-informed decisions that will protect your life, and the lives of your family, and their health, mental wellness and their Souls, well done.XXXXX
* * * * *
3.1.6 Now to solve a problem or a concern or a potential threat to your/and your family’s health, life and mental wellness and emotional wellness, one would have to identify the threat, and the determine how the threat came to be. (Apply the following: where, why, how, who, when).
3.1.7(11:11) Globally the threats have now been identified as the “New Variants of COVID 19″( South Africa, Brazil, United Kingdom and said to be spreading to other countries), where it has been established that the “Second Wave of COVID 19”, are causing more Infections, spreading faster, causing people to become super-spreaders and causing more deaths than the “First Wave”, but don’t be afraid for there are easy ways for you and your family members to easily develop a “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, to any form of COVID 19 strain, mutation or new variants.
Will explain later and reveal just how easy it is to achieve a “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”.
(11:11) so you have confirmed that the “Global New Variants” are the problem and threat.
Questions to solve the problem and threat.
(11:11) Why have they globally Identified and renamed COVID 19 strains and mutations as “New Variants”?
For the word “Variants (dictionary meaning……..add here” means that there are now totally different forms of COVID 19 strains and mutations.
The Medical and Scientific Evidence/Proof also states that viruses can undergo “Antigenic Drifts” by gaining new antigens and peptides, to make them “New Variants” of the “Original Viruses.
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This would mean that the “New Antigens and Peptides” that the “New Global Variants” have gained, have been identified and can be traced back, to determine where they came from, which would “Identify the Problems and the Treats”, that are now causing the “Second Wave”, to be causing more “Deaths” than the “First Waves”.
(11:11) Now the global medical and scientific science, has/and are announcing that they are concerned that the “COVID 19 Vaccines”, might not work on the “Global New Variants”.
The “COVID 19 Experts”, claim that the “Pfizer Vaccines”, will work on the “New Variants” and that the “mRNA Pfizer Technology” is the “New Normal of Vaccines” that will work against all “Diseases and Viruses”.
Claiming that all “Future Vaccines”, will use “mRNA Vaccine Technology”.
(11:11) You and your family members have also identified and proven that viruses can weaken if re-grown over and over again in laboratory tissue cell cultures or in the bodies of infected persons or animals, as well as proving that viruses can strengthen if they receive antigens and peptides, through “Antigenic Drifts” in laboratories (engineering/engineered) or in the bodies of humans and animals.
(11:11) Flu shots and Children’s Active/live flu viruses, used in Children’s Nasal Spray Vaccines, on how they are made (Manufactured/engineered/engineering).
(11:11) Oxford COVID 19 Vaccines. How they are made (Manufactured/engineered/engineering)
Many global media articles state that the Chimpanzee viruses cannot infect humans or be passed onto other humans, or members of global communities.
Take note how many of these articles contradict the Oxford’s website statements of how their Oxford COVID 19 Vaccines work.
These media articles reveal how they are/and have been written, to manipulate and deceived you of the “Truth” so that you will make decisions, based upon incorrect information.
(11:11) Now the “Scientific Evidence” you are being told to “Trust”, states that “Antigenic Drifts”, take place to form “New Variants”, occurs(happens) when viruses gain new antigens and peptides.
Now given that the “Oxford COVID 19 Vaccines”, are stated on their website, of how they are manufactured/engineered, to create weakened Chimpanzee viruses (common primate cold viruses), that are engineered to be able to be compatible to mutate (Antigenic Drift) with COVID 19 viruses.
Now given that common cold, flu and Influenza viruses are also crown viruses, but use different antigen and peptide and mechanism to infect human cells, than crown viruses, such as “Coronaviruses”, which use S-protein and different mechanisms to infect human cells, you have now identified and confirmed a problem and threat, that the Oxford COVID 19 Vaccines have been given antigens/peptides that allow them to be able to mutate with S-proteins of COVID 19, which now allows other common colds of primates (humans are also primates, dictionary…..add here) to be able to gain these same antigens/peptides to be able to mutate with S-proteins.
Now, remember that global media platforms have been used by COVID 19 Experts, medical professionals, government health departments and advisors to state that having the flu and COVID 19 at the same time can be life-threatening.
So how bad do you think having the flu, that has mutated to have S-proteins, and having a COVID 19 strain, mutation or “New Variants” at the “Same Time”, will be for global citizens and their children?
(11:11) Now why would medical professionals, who are punting for global citizens to allow their children to be vaccines, by using active/live flu viruses in “Children’s Active/Live Flu Nasal Spray Vaccines”, want to introduce “New Flu Viruses”, that have been weakened, but knowing that viruses can gain antigens and peptides, to become stronger, in the “Height of the First and Second Wave of the COVID 19 Pandemic”.
(11:11) You will have heard many “Ethical Medical Professionals”, state that you should not expose yourself or family to active/live viruses of vaccines, but only to vaccines that have fragments of dead/deactivated viruses.
(11:11) You have just Identified problems and threats, for, in the United Kingdom, parents had to sign school consent forms, to allow their “Children to be given at Schools”, children’s active/live flu nasal mist spray vaccines, but unfortunately even the children who had parents state “No they do not consent to their children being vaccinated with active/live flu nasal spray vaccine”, would have still been exposed to these viruses, and many would have been infected with these active/live flu viruses, of nasal spray mist vaccines, due to their friends breathing in classrooms, which would cause these active/live flu viruses to become airborne and are expelled by breathing or coughing out vapour molecules containing these pathogens.
Respiratory (Lungs) System Defence Mechanisms
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Very important to know and understand, so as to “Boost Your Lungs Defence against bacteria, fungi, pathogens and viruses like COVID 19, colds, flu and Influenza.
The children who received this flu nasal spray, have hairs on the lungs that move the protective mucus layer around and brush up pathogens, bacteria and viruses to the surface of the mucus layer to become airborne
(11:11) Now you as children and teenagers, should not worry about these active/live flu viruses, for global it has been shown that the “Common Colds, Flu and Influenza Viruses”, have disappeared off the “Face of the Planet”. It is very important for you to understand the following, for this will aid your ability of belief, that you have well-functioning “Innate and Adaptive Immune System’s”, as being young and healthy individuals, which “Super Boosts” your mind-set to have “Positive Thoughts and Knowing of the Truths”, which will “Super Boost” both your “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems” to easily create and maintain a “ROBUST and CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, against all forms of COVID 19 viruses.
- When you breathe in COVID 19 viruses, don’t stress or be anxious or fearful, for your “Neutrophil Antibodies” present in your nasal mucus (snot) linings, saliva (Spit) and lung mucus (clear see-through phlegm that you can bring up as spit (sputum) from and off your lungs) is going to catch and block these viruses, from gaining access to your lung’s tissues.
2 Your “Neutrophil Antibodies and other Peptides” present in these secretions will start to secrete “Cytokine Enzymes and Peptides” that will destroy these viruses easily. They will then present all of these viruses antigens to your saliva and mucus glands, where T cells will detect these antigens and start a defensive (defending) of these glands.
Your entire respiratory tracks cells have ACE 2 receptors, that used by your body to send and receive chemical peptides, that are cell regulating and able to send and receive protective peptides.
Your ACE 2 receptors will also receive the full spectrum of the fragmented peptides and antigens of the COVID 19 viruses, for your entire body is made up of individual cells, and each cell is a “Baby Enzymes/Peptides making FACTORY”, that have evolved to make enzymes and peptides all the time.
Your cells in your nose, throat, glands and lungs will receive these destroyed viruses antigens and peptides process them and make more of these antigens and peptides and then will release them through their MHC receptors, where helper T-cells will past on these antigens and peptides markers to other antibodies.
- Killer T-cells are your body’s main focus, right now and helper T-cells and macrophages are going to pass on these antigens to killer T-cells, that is one of the antibodies that can secrete “Cytokine Peptides” to kill viruses.
- Macrophages can also engulf whole viruses and their antigens and destroy them.
- But “Neutrophils” in the mucus layers are also going to keep on destroying any viruses attached to ACE 2 receptors.
6 Neutrophils “Cytokine Enzymes and Peptides” are so powerful that they can easily destroy whole viruses and their s-spike proteins attached to any of your ACE 2 receptors.
- Now it is stated that many children are “Asymptomatic” as their “Innate Immune System’s” purposes, functions, and abilities to form solid defence and barrier of their entire respiratory track’s cells.
Many children can test positive for COVID 19, as even a swab of their saliva on the inside of their mouth’s cheek or mucus, snot, just inside their nose, which would be green, as Neutrophils have already killed the COVID viruses, can be used and put into a PCR test tube, which will have the full spectrum of every antigen and peptide of broken up (fragmented) viruses.
Yet a tiny finger prick of their finger, to draw a small and tiny drop of “Blood”, which is placed on a “COVID 19 Antibody Test Strip”, will reveal that “No COVID 19 Viruses” have managed to contaminate or overwhelm their bloodstream, for the “Innate Immune System’s” barrier and defence is so good.
- Now had these children not have created and maintained a “Robust and Crossover Immunity”, then COVID 19 viruses would have entered their “Bloodstream”, and immediately “Neutrophils and Eosinophils Antibodies”, would have mounted a defence and would have started secreting “Cytokine Enzymes and Peptides” into the bloodstream to flush over any COVID 19 viruses, that had attached to any blood vessel walls or capillary walls, and the “Cytokine Enzymes and Peptides”, would start to destroy these whole viruses and their s-spike proteins.
- Now for children who do pick up a runny nose and get a small “Cold”, don’t stress as you still have the same antibodies, and your antibodies miss a few small viruses.
- Now most of will have this cold for two days and feel sick, but by the third day you will start to feel better very fast, and then you will have a week of green, yellow and then clear phlegm.
Guess what you now have a “Robust and Crossover Immunity”, to all forms of COVID 19.
- Why? Because we as humans have evolved as communities, and coronavirus has remained the same, where the main structure of these viruses and their inner nucleus peptides and antigens, don’t mutate fast, which means the same Killer T-cells you beat your first infection with, can now easily detect any COVID 19 viruses you may breathe in from someone else, in your community, who has just gotten sick.
Now your Neutrophils and Eostrophils Antibodies”, are not antigen/peptide marker dependent so they can easily destroy any changes of mutations in the s-spike proteins.
This is how humans and animals bodies create and maintain “Robust and Crossover Immunity” against colds, flu and coronavirus that may still be circulating amongst community members nearby and in amongst the general public in your own country or in other countries, had you chosen to jump on a plane and go to another country, you would still have a “Robust and Crossover Immunity”, against any COVID 19 strain, mutations or new variants.
And mount a barrier and defence of your respiratory track’s cells.
Video well worth watching for children, teens and adults:
Discuss Vaccines compared to Healthy eating (Diets very important for functioning “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”.
And yes viruses(Bacteria) do exist, as coming into contact with a person with a cold, flu, influenza or COVID 19, can see you contracting their virus(bacteria) and developing the same or similar symptoms, or at times your innate immune already has a “ROBUST and CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, against whatever virus(bacteria) they may have”.
Video still worth watching for the health benefits on information, as well as the often overlooked “Fact”, that lung infections are often associated with “Pneumonia”, which is related to BACTERIAL LUNG INFECTIONS, that cause “Cytokine Storms” to take place in lung mucus layers and bloodstreams.
So if “Pneumonia”, is associated with BACTERIAL LUNG INFECTIONS, then should you not take “Antibiotics or Herbs ” that are anti-bacterial or anti-fungal, as the infected person with a cold, flu, Influenza or Coronavirus, is showing symptoms of a “Bacterial Infection”, for even mild lung infections, will cause bacterial infections.
So do you believe the person you see coughing has a “Virus Lung Infection or a Bacterial Lung Infection”?
Globally Bacterial Lung Infections are treated with “Antibiotics or Herbal Medicines”.
Link: Biochemistry Debunks CORONA:
** You must also understand that globally, media and news channels, are reporting that COVID 19 Experts are stating and claiming that “COVID 19 Antibody Tests” are detecting S-proteins/binding/blocking antibodies, in many people who have tested positive for COVID 19, with the use of PCR tests
***** Ivermectin, what is it made from.
Some claim from “Fungus” and not even flies will sit on the dung of cows in the field that has had ivermectin. Bacteria also won’t grow on it. Therefore ivermectin will reduce lung bacteria. Causes diabetes, so it must cause the death of gut bacteria. Would therefore prevent lung bacteria.
For children, teenagers and adults:
If you want to do away with the “Side-effects & Deaths”, causes by Vaccines over the past years, and presently being witnessed with “COVID 19 Vaccines” then apply the following:
- Vaccines have only been developed over the last 100 years.
Humanity’s history proves this “Fact”.
Nature has allowed and caused all that live upon this Beautiful Blue Planet, to evolve with harmony and balance.
Therefore allow the natural purposes, functions and abilities of humanity’s “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”, to use the natural mechanisms of defences, and barriers, to obtain “Robust Crossover Immunity” by their cycles of evolution purposes.
2 The human body’s natural “Innate Immune System’s” mucus and saliva neutrophils (antibodies) and other peptides have evolved to secrete “Cytokines” to destroy bacteria and viruses.
The neutrophils (antibodies) present in the human body make up 75% of the entire total mass of all antibodies present in the body, which includes blood, mucus protective layers present in lungs, nasal mucus and saliva.
Therefore if you want to allow for the “Development of Safe Crossover Immunity”, then provide the deactivated/dead viruses as fragments from the complete ‘Wild Viruses”, to the nasal mucus, the airways to the lungs.
But first activate the nasal mucus layers with warm herbal brews, so as to cause stimulation of neutrophils and other peptides, to further break-down the enzymes and peptides, of the fragmented molecules of deactivated and dead viruses.
This is exactly how “Asymptomatic Persons” exposes to COVID 19 strains/mutations and new variants, can so quickly develop “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, to all forms of COVID 19, which is proven by/and with “COVID 19 Blood Antibody Tests”, for asymptomatic persons will have absolutely no overstimulation of antibodies present in their bloodstream.
Links: Humans and Animals proven to develop “Robust Crossover Immunity” after recovering from “Wild Viruses”.
This also proves that the so-called ” COVID 19 Antibody Tests” claiming that there are now overstimulation of S-protein/binding/blocking, being present the bloodstream, of anyone who has been confirmed to be a “Positive case for COVID 19 due to a PCR test, is a lie and medical fraud, for the only reason why a blood sample from a finger prick would cause a reaction to a “COVID 19 Antibody Test that has S-proteins antigens on/and in the test kit, would be if the viruses of COVID 19 had broken past the “Innate Immune System’s” barrier and defence of the cells of the respiratory tract, and had entered the bloodstream, which would cause “Neutrophils” to gathering and start attacking COVID 19 viruses with “Cytokine Enzymes and Peptides”, this would then cause the bloodstream of the persons to increase its “Cytokine Enzymes and Peptides”, which would then show up on the “COVID 19 Antibody Tests, with S-proteins markers.
For the medical COVID 19 experts to now claim this is due to overstimulation of S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies, is jeopardising global citizens and their children’s lives.
For to claim that S-protein/binging/ blocking antibodies are involved in early innate and adaptive immune system’s “Immunity” purposefully and wilfully manipulates and deceives, global citizens and their children, to the dangers of “Cytokine Storm”, and deceives them of ethical medical practices and medical oaths, that are first to do/or cause no “Harm”.
For medical professionals to purposefully and wilfully deceive global citizens and their children of what the purposes, functions and abilities of the human “Innate and Adaptive Immune System” are, jeopardised these citizen’s lives, health and mental wellness, under the protection of their country’s “Constitution”.
For global citizens will then make “Incorrect decisions” that will not aid their “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems, to be able to create or maintain a “Robust Crossover Immunity”, that has been proven to protect and save the lives of citizens, against a present virus that is spreading amongst community members, and against any mutation or strains that might develop as a result of any “Antigenic Drifts”, that might take place during the replication of the viruses amongst community members who have not been exposed to the viruses in any form.
Present and past medical science, has proven “Robust and Crossover Immunity”
particularly to the viruses main structures and centre nucleus peptides that do not change(mutate) much, and which are destroyed by killer T-cells, Neutrophils and Eosinphilis “Cytokine Enzymes and Peptides”, as well as the human body’s neutrophils and eosinophils “Cytokine Peptides/Enzymes”, that are “NOT Antigen Marker Dependent”, and will quickly destroy any S-protein Antigens and Peptides that are highly mutative, thereby once again the medical science proving and backing up the “Trust the True Scientific Evidence”, that once humans and animals have been exposed to “Wild Viruses”, they develop a “ROBUST and CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, to the present viruses circulating amongst community members. (Evolution proves this as well)
For the same “COVID 19 Experts”, state that after “COVID 19 Vaccinations”, it takes 4 to 6 weeks for S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies to “Peak”.
Mask can cause bacterial lung Infections
Links: Medical Evidence/Proof.
NB NB: Particles and pathogens breathed in can lead to cancer.
Why? Because pathogens can secrete “Nagalase Enzymes”, that deactivate Killer T-cells from being able to kill and reduce “Tumours” by reducing the damaged tumorous cells.
– Long -term mask use may contribute to advanced lung Cancer Study Finds, published January 29, 2021 (
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