Are you going to become a Cancer Patients, thanks to COVID 19 Vaccines

COVID 19 Vaccines S-protein Hijack Human Cell’s Antivirals and Interferons Production.
Sets-up the Human Body to “Cancerous Cells” as Interferons are needed by killer T-cells to destroy and any new cancer cells forming.
Human body produces Cytokine Defences Inflammation Peptides, against any foreign particles,bacteria or respiratory viruses, and continued Cytokine Peptides will damage blood vessel and capillary vessels walls.
Central Nervous System blood walls, will suffer permanent damages.
If you are keen on damaging all your blood vessel walls, to allow for internal bleeding, blood spots and blood clots, as well as you wanting to experience permanent damages to your central nervous system blood vessel walls, the go and find a “COVID 19 Vaccines line”.
Or if you are keen on saving your life and the lives of your family members, then choose to research the basics of the Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems set-sequences purposes functions and abilities to create and maintain a ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY.
And go research the basics of the human body’s “Daily Chemical Protective and Regulatiing Peptides”.
Or go and find a “COVID 19 Vaccines Line”, and stay uninformed, and believe all that main media has to offer your “Health & Life”.
One Life, you choose how “Healthy or Unhealthy”, your informed decisions will move in which ever direction you choose.

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