The True Meaning of the Gifts and Gift of Life: 2024 the Year of (2’s for the 4’s) Awaken Your True Form of Being in, of and for …Your Gifts and Gift of Life’s many many Purposes & Paths.



True Meaning of Life:
Shame man the Mindset and Confusion of so- so many- many Human Chemical Beings: In, of and for so many Global Community Neighborhood’s: Within so many parts/regions / areas of each and every Country or part of soil or water upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth:
It is so easy to explain the Purposes ,Gifts and Gift of Life: The True Mean of Life :
Meaning of Life: Is, will and will never -ever – ever lie to you or deceive you: For the True Meaning of Life is the Blue Magnetic Spiraling and Rotating Light/Energy/Life Force/Energy Force:
That is and will always “Be”….
There is so much more that you need to “Eccept”:
Because you all have seen, heard , known and feel the Intuition,  in, with, of and for your own personal Gifts and Gifts of Life.
You all have already known, have experienced, lived, being enlightened: By, through, within, in, of and for your own personal vulnerable and Joyful “Thoughts, Emotions and Living Feelings”: You all have hated and loved, triumphed in Joyfulness and Happiness:
Because you have been Blessed or Privileged (how you choose to look at Life: Maybe as just some “Ramdon & Un-comnected “Thing” : that just happens by chance):
If you choose to go through “Life” : Living your Lived Experiences, Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings: With just your Self-Belief: In your Physical Body:
You will  then’ loose out on so-so many-many Possibilities to Opportunities, of making so many of your past, present, and future Dreams,  Hopes,Goals and Wishes”, becoming your many-many Purposes and Physical Realities within, in, of and for your personal Gifts and Gift of Life.
Because : It means you will then never truely connect to your Soul,  and most definitely not connected to your Blue Magnetic Inner Light of Spirit Form:
You then loose out on your Birthright: Feeling. KNOWING: That you choose to live your Gifts and Gift of Life : In, of and for Peace of Mind, Mindset, Being of Being in Grace,Thankfulness,Joyfulness, Happiness
You don’t have to crucify your Human Body/Flesh,Mindset of Mind in, of and for Being:
For Jesus has already Paid/Died and Risen: So that you have in, of and for the most Perfect Remdeemer: Of Forgiveness in, of and for your Physical Human Chemical Being/ Body:
Because you then get to be surrounded in, of and for Perfect Grace, Love and Peace of Being:
When your Inner Intuition speaks to you: in, of and for you eye with all your night and day dreams/Dreaming/short and long term memories of Thoughts
4 Two,Four, Six of so many Lights talk in, of and for your Intuition:
1. If it is of evil in__tend: Your Soul and Inner Centered Spirit: Will not have Peace & Calmness of Being
2. If it is of good/truthful/Graceful,Loving : Present and Future Purposes in, of and for direction in, of and for your Gifts and Gift of Life: Your Soul and Inner Centered Spirit Form: Will Being of Knowing,  Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions: In, of and for Peace of Mind/Calmness in, of and for knowing the Purpose of the start in, of and for fulfilling a set single Purposes course line, that will vary according to His Will.
Now it is easy: Just be of Being of Mindset of Being “In” but not of Part-taking of the World(The evil things within lived Human Chemical Being’s Physical and Mental Experiences and Reality in, of and for your past, present and future “Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings”.
Life then becomes: Easier, Better and Safer:
You decide/you get to choose your Free Will: You can either be 4 Evil or Good: Your Soul and Inner Centred Spirit Forms Given Birthright: In, of and for the Purposes of Free Will. Grace will never-ever force you to follow: Yet Grace will afford and allows you to follow the White Light’s Many Paths: For your Forever Being’s Soul and Inner Centred Spirit Form.
It is easy: ” Love Alle Forma in Qua”
You need to “Move”.
You need to Move (Love) from one point to the next.
It is easy: Now Move…….
Because His Being: Will then allow and afford you the time,in the now, and opportunities: To use your Human Chemical Being: To Grow and Develop your “Forever Soul & Inner Centered Spirit Form “
The True Meaning in, of and for your Gifts and Gift of Life: In, of, for and within all of the Entire Cosmos and the Beyounds in, of and for the past, present, Future and all that Is has created in, of and for His Spoken Words of Life within all are Spiraling & Rotating, both within the Physical & Spiritual:
The Four Living Forever Beings…..see , seek and You will Find….. Intuition within, ooin, of and for Knowing,  Enlighten /Enlightened in, of and for Knowledge of Knowledge that Is…..Pure Grace , Love and in, of and for Being of that which is in all that is of Is……
It is easy: Now Move to make living Life easier, better and safer: 4 conditions and environments: 4 the Beautiful Gifts and Gift of Life that have been, are and still to come in, of and for all of the Physical Chemical Beings…..within the Cosmos :
They have and will share a common name : in, of and for the True Meaning and Purposes of Life: The Children of the White Light (7): Will carry His name, within their Being & they will become known throughout the entire Cosmos:
For the Four Beings are Moving for, in, and of the Purposes of His Will, 4 all Chemical Being’s: Forever Souls & Inner Centred Spirit Forms…..
See : Through the Eye of your Intuition: Listen, and then seek, 4 you will find, truth in, of and for Knowledge of Knowledge.
Your Inner Centered Spirit Forms: Dose not talk in words: Source (Mind of Being) 2 Source (Mind of Being)
You have been manipulating and deceived in, of, from and out of your True Form of Communications/Knowing of Knowing/Of what Is….For It Moves and is always Present within the past, present, Future & the Beyounds……
You were all Sparked into Being: Now Move….So that you Blue Magnetic Spiraling and the Inner Centred Spirit Form can Grow Stronger within, in, of and for the Life Force that Is of All.
Because Souls talk to (2)  Souls/ Inner Centered Spirit Forms talk to (2) Inner Centered Spirit Forms:

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