How the “Global COVID 19 Pandemic Can Be Ended”
Medical data cures for COVID 19
12 May 2020, Cameron Reed, Siobhan Brogan Campbell, Douglas Campbell
How the ” Global COVID 19 Pandemic” can be ended.
How the deaths of the 3% of the “Global Population” can stopped and cured.
How “Tourism” can be restarted globally.
How “Global Economies” can be cured and restarted.
How global lockdown can be lifted.
Medical cures and cure procedures for COVID 19, while creating mindsets that aid recovery from COVID 19, that drastically reduce suicides and the mental health crisis that COVID 19 is causing upon many “Global Children and Adults”. :
* Some people will have very ” Mild Flu Like Symptoms”
* Most people will experience a period of 2 to 5 days of serve head aches, flu like symptoms, stiff neck muscles, swollen upper body glands, upper body( torso) pains and aches, some people might have upset stomachs and vomiting might take place or the feel if wanting to vomit.
After this 2 to 5 day period, most people will feel better as they now start to recover very quickly.
By day 14 medical tests have revealed that some people are free of the strain or mutation of COVID 19 they have experienced.
* NB : People in general young and old have a tendency to panic and become extremely anxious and fearful, due to their mindsets focused on the unknown.
This results in mental health stress which is not good for their immune systems, and this stress hinders the functions and abilities of their immune system, which are dependent on chemical proteins.
Stress chemicals are not good for the body, mind, soul or the human immune system chemical processes.
* NB : The beauty of knowing how most people will experience COVID 19’s 2 to 5 day period, are that globally children and adults will now focus their mindsets into ” Hopes and Beliefs” that they will only experience mild flu like symptoms.
Now when they finally do contract COVID 19 their mindset will focus on a 2 to 3 day period, and if by day 4 they still feel bad, they will convince themselves it’s just one more day.
This mindset will be awesome for children and adults minds, bodies, souls, and will aid their immune systems tremendous.
***** NB: Globally, media and social media are being used to promote ” Extreme Fear & Panic” in the mindsets of many children and adults.
***** NB: The quickest medically cure, so far globally, has been the plasma dose of antibodies from people who have recovered from COVID 19, which is seeing recoveries of critically ill patients in “Hospital Intensive Care Units” in 3 days.(Even doctors, specialist and scientists refer to this plasma dose cure).
***** NB :”Medical Technology” at present can detect diseases and pathogens in ” Blood Donors Blood”, with even the smallest amount of RNA, DNA and proteins being able to be detected for disease.
The bonus of this technology affords the safety to people receiving blood transfusions during hospital operations, kidney complication, low red blood cell counts and trauma accidents, where it becomes a life or death situation to receive blood transfusions, as well as for critical ill COVID 19 patients to recover in ” 3 Days”, due to the antibodies they have received.
* At present many global citizens who contract COVID 19 and then start to feel better after to 2 to 5 days are using ” Med-lemon, Paracetomol, Aspirin and many other over the counter drugs ” to aid in reducing pain, heads aches, inflammation and fever, while their immune system quickly develops antibodies that clears the virus in 14 days, for some.
NB : Due to ” Med-lemon”, containing aspirin, it affords people to protect themselves from blood clots that cause strokes and heart attacks for many global citizens who experience severe symptoms over extended periods of being infected with COVID 19 viruses.
The medical profession and research data over the years have identified that the ” Common Flu” globally, results in thousands of deaths due to blood clots forming as their body destroys cells infected with flu viruses, which resulted in many people dying of a stroke or heart attack caused by dead human cells ending up in the blood stream and forming clots, on their way to be filtered out by their liver.
Septicemia is also a result of prolonged infection, which cause many deaths, and huge complications for some children who develop rashes and blood spots.
***** NB : At present globally, many countries are talking about opening up their economies and lifting lock down’s
***** NB : Unfortunately for many people at present, there are no “Backup Plans” or ” Backup COVID 19 Plan B Strategies” in place, for those who will have severe and prolonged infections periods.
***** NB NB NB NB :
The Global COVID 19 Pandemic can be ended by the following “Global COVID 19 Plan B Strategies”, in each town and city suburb :
* At present global citizens have been told by their governments to trust the
” Medical Science”
* So far German have isolated ” One Human Antibody” ,capable of destroying SARS and SARS-CoV2 ( COVID 19) viruses.
Just one specific human antibody is going to be synthesized and made into a drug cure.
* China has been using a blood plasma dose from a ” Blood Donor” who has recovered from COVID 19, and been tested free of COVID 19 viruses, and their donated blood tested free of disease and pathogens.
* The rest of the world are also running trial tests and using “Blood Donor Antibodies” to cure their critically ill patients.
* Unfortunately, they use one donors blood plasma to only cure 3 critically ill patients.
They’re fully aware of the trials taking place, and as soon as they can, they go to the transfusion services to donate,” says Focosi. “But this only serves to start up activities. To scale up, we have to release a massive call to action to the public and hope to identify several periodic donors who can donate every two weeks. Each donation can be used to treat three new patients so there is a big multiplying effect.”
***** NB : Now if we as global citizens are been asked to trust the ” Medical Science”, then now would be a good time to do so for it can then end the ” Global Pandemic.
***** NB: To end the Global COVID 19 Pandemic, global citizens would need to be able to gain access to ” Blood Donor Antibodies”, if any citizens go beyond the 2 to 5 day period, and remain with these bad symptoms.
By doing this they can avoid the long, severe and prolonged infection that 3% of the global population experiences.
But with the difference of using the medical science data, to global citizens advantage.
***** NB : If it takes just ” One Human Antibody To Cure COVID 19″, according to Germany and China’s Antibodies that destroy SARS, then that would mean any ” One Microliter (0.001 ml)) of Blood”, would be containing at least ” One Antibody” capable of destroying the strain or mutation of COVID 19 in that town or city suburb any where in the world.
Now given that all over the world, many global citizens are recovering from the various strains or mutations of COVID 19 in their country, that then means their are many who will be able to “Donate Blood Donor Antibodies”.
***** NB : One Microliter, from a healthy person, is said to have 2000 to 4000 T-cells and many antibodies, for at present COVID 19 test kits are been used to determine if a patient has COVID 19 by a prick to the finger, for a droplet of blood, smeared onto a test strip paper. A 30 minutes waiting period will determine if that finger prick of blood is ” Flood with Human Antibodies”.
***** NB : Now given that as global citizens we are trusting the science, then that would mean just ” 5 ml of Blood Donors Blood” would contain mind boggling amounts of “Antibodies” capable of destroying the strain or mutation of COVID 19 in that town or city suburb.
* If at present one blood donor can only cure three people:
Blood Donor 400 ml ÷ 3 = 133 ml for critically ill patient.
**** NB : But why wait for a global citizen to reach this critically period that needs 133 ml of Blood/Plasma antibodies, do see them recover.
One Blood Donor at 400 ml ÷ 5 ml
= 80 People cured.
One Million at 1% Donors
= 10 000 Donors
= 10 000 X 80
= 800 000 Global Citizens cured and saved from death.
Two Million at 1% Donors
= 1.6 million of Global Citizens cured and saved from death.
” 5 ml of Blood Donor Blood with Antibodies” and blood preservatives, saline solution and mild blood thinner drugs, given as an injection into the vein, will quickly find a COVID 19 virus in the blood stream.
Why? :
* medical doctors, specialists and science data States that the virus enters the blood stream and attacks blood vessel and capillary wall cells.
* medical experts state the virus enters the mouth, nose and eyes, which means due to global advice and government enforcement on citizens to wear masks, it would then ensure that once a person is infected or ” A systematic” that their infected virus breath would of being causing their warm breath to rise and dry out and infect their eyes capillary vessels, which would ensure that their blood stream now contains many COVID 19 viruses.
This would mean that the injection containing the ” Blood Donors Antibodies” would not have to travel far.
Mark antibodies, T cells and other antibodies would quickly surrounded a virus, and the activity would quickly case the person’s over stimulated antibodies to respond in making copies of the ” New Blood Donors Life Saving Antibodies”, which is medically proven to see recoveries in 3 days as this cure prevents death in critical ill COVID 19 patients.
***** NB : By Global Citizens choosing to implement their own ” COVID 19 Plan B Strategies”, they get to control and afford the cure, if need be, for those of their community members who don’t show signs of recover after 2 to 5 days.
The elderly and vulnerable can receive the ” 5ml Blood Donor Antibodies”, as soon as they are confirmed to have COVID 19, if they chose to want the 3 day cure( 72 hours).
***** NB : This would mean any ” Tourists” visiting the town or city suburb would also be able to receive the ” 5 ml Blood Donor Antibodies Cure”.
This will afford that ” Global Tourism “, can be ” Restarted”.
This will also afford the World’s economies to be ” Cured and Restarted”.
***** NB : Now given that the science can detect and determine the strain or mutation of COVID 19, then that means that ” Blood Donors Antibodies” can be flown, by aircraft, to any part of the world, to seed recoveries and ” New Blood Donors”, for any strain or mutation that has been or being spread in that country.
***** NB : This would mean that even people who recover with mild flu symptoms can donated blood, for according to the science of COVID 19 fringer prick blood tests, which are confirming the blood stream to be flooded with antibodies.
***** NB : Especially due to the fact that even these mild flu COVID 19 cases would have to develop their own antibodies that destroy COVID 19 viruses, otherwise they could not recover if their blood did not contain these specific human antibodies that destroy COVID 19 viruses.
People globally who have never been exposed to SARS are already medically proven to be able to develop antibodies that destroy COVID 19 viruses.
Germany already states, they only use one specific human antibody to be duplicated synthetically in laboratories, yet a needle prick of a finger COVID 19 test, reveals a flooding of antibodies in the blood stream.
Since before March I have being posting on Facebook, my website/blog eaglesaquaguardia and many “change org petitions”, to try and help global citizens get the option of choice for the three day cure and recovery, that the plasma dose from ” Blood Donors Antibodies” are affording many global citizens the opportunity to be cured and survive to live their “Hopes , Dreams and Lifestyles”.
Any Global Citizens, who are keen on ending the “Global COVID 19 Pandemic”, it would be very muchly appreciated if you could consider signing these petitions, as an attempt to get global citizens to end the ” Pandemic” in their own town or city suburb, thank you.
You can find these petitions on website/blog:
And here:
Global Citizens Need To Use Their Collective Brainpower to Problem Solve COVID 19 Cures
12 March 2020
Globally many Citizens are in COVID 19 Lockdown & Need Help to See the Solutions, that could save you and your family’s lives.
13 April 2020
Global COVID 19 Plan B Strategies Curing the
Elderly & Vulnerable& re-booting economies
20 April 2020
COVID 19 Plan B Strategies for towns and city
city suburbs to cure Young & Old Pandemic
21 April 2020
At present I have made a Shopify account :
The sole purpose of the account is give all profits ( 100%) made, to the town or city suburb from where the purchaser lives.
I am attempting to help seed Global Citizens own ” COVID 19 Plan B Strategies” in their own town or city suburb, that they control and manage themselves, for globally hospitals and clinics will not be able to cope or implement this ” Global COVID 19 Plan B Strategies”, for by globally citizens controlling and managing their Plan B Strategies”, they will then ” Free Up” hospitals to conduct operations and clinics to conduct their normal procedures of medical care to the community in the area.
Most governments are asking their citizens to ” Work Together with Government and help their community members”.
***** NB :This is a ” Perfect Way” for citizens to oblige their governments requests.
The way in which I envision” Global COVID 19 Plan B Strategies”, for global citizen’s town or city suburb:
* 12 May 2020 was ” Global Nurses Day”, being Florence Nightingale’s birthday and these nurses and other medical staff need a COVID 19 Plan B Backup Stategy”, for they are ” Front line COVID 19 Workers”.
* Consent forms first signed by those who would like the ” 5 ml Blood Donor Antibodies Life Saving Cure”, that can save their life, if need be.
* Nurses can be paid by the town or city suburb ” COVID 19 Plan B Strategies”, to facilitate the blood donations, the blood donation sent to laboratories and the intravenous injection of ” 5 ml of Blood Donor Antibodies” with the normal saline solution and anti-clotting drugs and blood preservatives.
* Nurses are always the ones who collect blood donations set up at a businesses, shopping malls, social events gatherings, town halls or any other place during blood donor campaigns.
* Nurses are also the ones who give injections and insert needles for blood transfusion for patients receiving blood bags or plasma bags.
***** NB : When” Blood” test results are received, units suitable for transfusion are labeled and stored.
Red cells are stored in refrigerators at 6ºC for up to 42 days. Platelets are stored at room temperature in agitators for up to five days. Plasma and cryo are frozen and stored in freezers for up to one year.
***** NB : Similar storage facilities as above can be made readily available by the citizens of the town or city suburb, from the blood donations of their community members.
I am going to turn this into a petition in the homes that your local businesses will support your town or city suburbs ” COVID 19 Plan B Strageies”.
Hopefully NGOs can be formed of your town or city suburbs Plan B, so that the ” Global Pandemic can be ended.
I was envisioning 80 % going to setting up ” Blood Donor Life Saving Strategies Cure”.
15 % going to farm production of fresh produce and quick protein sources for the community , as many have lost their jobs, once the community find their feet, the farms can keep suppling the poor with fresh produce and protein.
5% goes to ” Environmental” projects, for the COVID 19 Pandemic has revealed the importance of having a good strong and healthy “Immune System”.
For those who believe that this can aid Global Citizens end the “Global COVID 19 Pandemic”, please consider supporting or if you can’t support please consider signing this petition and the other petitions on
Global Citizens should never give up on their ” Hopes, Dreams and Beliefs”, even when people tell you this COVID 19 will be your ” New World and Lifestyle Norm”
I choose to rather help end the ” Global COVID 19 Pandemic” and not to give up on my ” Hopes, Dreams and Beliefs” just because many people are saying we should.
The “Spanish Flu Pandemic” was ended by “Blood Donors Antibodies” and ” Sunshine Vitamin D”.
May the Sun soon shine upon you again and awaken your ” Hopes, Dreams and Beliefs.
This is an article from a ” Lady, university lecturer”, that is well worth the read on ” How the Human Immune System Works” and you will understand why her students thrive and do so well in their exams, by been fortunate enough to have her as their lecturer.
Link: ( you to will soon know how your immune system works, which will aid your recovery mindset and your immune system.
The above text will allow ” Global Citizens” the opportunities to network together to work on ” End thel COVID 19
Pandemic, on a Global Scale”, NGOs can be formed in the town or city to work with neighboring towns and global towns and city suburbs.
I have tried the ” Change org Petitions Route” and put up petitions, to try and get global citizens to work together to end the “Pandemic”.
I am now trying the ” Bracelet Route” that many ” Wildlife and Marine Life Groups use”.
For if the “Bracelet Route” can be used to save ” Wildlife and Marine Life”, then surely it can be used save the ” 3% of Global Citizens Dying of COVID 19′.I am asking for any ” Global Citizens” who are keen on producing these ” Rainbow Bracelets of Hopes and Dreams” in their town or city suburb to contact my email address, so this campaign and the COVID 19 concepts of ending the pandemic, can be implemented in their town or city suburb.
In doing so they will allow for a ” Chance to End the Global COVID 19 Pandemic”.
You will get the chance to earn money, as well as keeping the cost down on shipping as a lot of people don’t have money to waste, as so many have lost their sources of income.
At present globally, another problem is arising, places of faith are being allowed and encouraged to reopen with fewer members, unfortunately many of these people over 50 year of age.
Global medical data, states that 80% of the 3% of COVID 19 deaths are the elderly.
Unfortunately, many of these faith based citizens will be infected with COVID 19 and will die, which will push up the death rate, which will cause panic in countries,and other non faith based citizens might get upset, and this poses a problem, for faith based institutions might be burnt down.
This would result in Mosques, Synagogues, Churches and other Faith based institutions been burnt down, for many faith based citizens will want to go to their places of worship, as the deaths skyrocket amongst members.
The opening up of economies will increase the death rate, and fingers will be pointed at faith based institutions.
At present many globally citizens immune systems have to work on trail and error to produce the correct antibodies to destroy COVID 19, yet if their immune system could be given help with ” 5 ml of Blood Donor Antibodies”, it then has a chance to quickly produce copies of the correct COVID 19 antibodies.
At least many of the elderly and vulnerable could be given this chance.
For those who at least want a chance, don’t forget that ” Blood Donor’s Blood, with their Antibodies, ended the Spanish Flu Pandemic, history and proven medically science, which vaccines copied in later years on massive scales”.
History has shown, Pandemics can be ended with ” Human Blood Donor’s Antibodies”.
At present globally history also shows what can happen to economies.
Ex- USA President Obama told his citizens he will tax “Big Corporation and the Rich Heavily”.
Big corporations simply closed many of their businesses in the USA and moves to China,resulting in huge job losses in the USA.
Obama made many speeches and blamed the ” Share Holders Who Want Profits”, on USA job losses.
Yet the USA banks only give 2% to USS citizens who bank their money, which results in USA Citizens not banking their money, but putting their money to work to form businesses, that create jobs or investing on the “Stock Exchange”, many are just ordinary low income USA Citizens, now the very share holders Obama blames.
The USA is built on the ” American Dream”, because people don’t bank their money to make money, but thought it back to circulated at ground level for opportunity after opportunity for the ” American Dream to be kept Alive for USA Citizens.
Unfortunately South Africa does not see USA or other Ordinary Western Citizens in vesting huge amounts of the their money on ground level in the country.
Unfortunately, black economic empowerment ( BEE) has locked them out.
History shows when a country thieves economically it provides opportunity after opportunity for it’s citizens, and other countries to earn from the thriving.
At present globally all economies are on very shaking ground, yet history shows the true actions that create wealth, for money backing endless assists are no good for any economyy, if they are banked and are not circulating on ground level amongst “Ordinary Citizens or the Poor Looking for Opportunities”.
” Global Enconomies can be Cured”, when global citizens acknowledge and choose to except that globally money is printed and given value due to the value of the homes, businesses and assists of global citizens.
By global citizens acknowledging that their success of lifestyles is linked directly to the success of their fellow citizens, in their country, this then creates opportunities for the poor to get out of poverty , due to all the “New Money Circulating” in their country.
“Hopes and Dreams of better Lifestyles” can be achieved when money is not punished and made to feel a country.
At present globally many share holders have dis-invested from “Stock Market”, out of fear that their money will loose value.
By choosing to ” End the Global Pandemic”, money can then be given value when countries currencies gain exchange rate strength”.
Going to turn this into a petition, for any help that global citizens can get right now , will help, hopefully politicians and businesses can support ” COVID 19 Plan B Strategies” of their country’s Citizens.
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