Ecosystem Restoration / Easily Achieveable
5 June 2020 Free Ebook: “The ABC’s Methods & Goals”: Designed to Achieve the following:
(Add bellow wording to Bracket 1 Photo)
* Curb and Reduce Global Teen & Adult Suicides.
* Easily Curb Present Global Children’s Mental Crisis
* Curb and Prevent Children,Teens and Adults from Developing Mental Health Issues and Disorders.
* Curb Global Teen Suicides, due to School Bullying
* Curb Global Violence Against Women, Children and within community neighborhoods.
* Curb South Africa’s Extreme Murder, Crime and Rape Rates
* How to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially: End of Dyslexia
* Easily Secure Global Food Security
* Easily Reduce Global Costs of Living
* Easily Reduce Global High Prices of Petrol/Gasoline/Diesel
* Easily Thicken Planet Earth’s Ozone Layer & Strengthen Earth’s Cosmic Magnetosphere Sun Shield
* Easily Cause Planet Earth’s Vegetation 2 Super Grow & Green
* Easily End Global Plastic Pollution: Allows and Affords Community Neighbourhoods, to become “Self-financially Sustainable”, to create the funds and the means, to enter the “New Green Energies and New Biofuels”.
Why these Goals, Visions & Purposes?
For it’s “Simply the Right Things Do”,so that Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth can “Thrive and Excel”, during the present global warming and climate change period and cycle.
The more children, teens and adults who become well spoke, read and educated, the bigger the “Global Brainstorming Capabilities & Abilities”, will be available for Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth.
Global Children, Teens and Adults will have better Overall Mental and Physical Health & Wellness