Electricity Load Shedding Crisis 2023

Global Load Shedding: Harms 2023…
Green Energy in Canada: 2 Harm Canadians & the World:
Load Shedding will destroy and harm: Many aspects of Global Community Neighbourhoods:
Effecting, hampering, harming, and preventing Global Community Neighbourhood members from obtaining and maintaining a health and sound Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit Form
Community Neighbourhood members:
Will find it very difficult and very impossible: to make “Any of’ : their present or future “Dreams, Hopes Wishes and Goals” become their Reality, Truth and Purposes of Being in, of and for their Gift and Gifts of Life…..
What could you do right now: ?
11:11 Qua (Character) of Being You, in your present and precieved goals 4 your future lifestyles:
Your Gift and Gifts of Life:
To change and prevent this from happening: Winter is coming:
And : We are told, globally :
That Prevention is Better than Cure….
Winter is drawing near:….
Use your 1 + 1 = 2 Logical thoughts, feelings and emotions: Listen and you will hear : Your own solutions
1 + 1 = 2 : You and your Spirit Form: Listen and think..
Beacuse : Prevention is Better than Cure….

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