Global Warming & Climate Change Not caused by Fossil Fuels or CO2 (2023)

Global Warming & Climate Change Not caused by Fossil Fuels or CO2 (2023)
Some logical reasons and purposes:
On why it would be wise and beneficial for you, to choose to care about your Gift and Gifts in, of and for your present and future Lifestyles:
As well as to why it would be good for you to choose your Purposes and Reasons:
On why it would be good for your chosen present and future Lifestyles:
To take the time of easily understanding, why it would be beneficial and good for you, to choose to care about the Gift and Gifts of Life, of Global Community Neighbourhoods, Wildlife, Marine Life and the various Forms of Biodiversity upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth:
Globally, you will continually hear: That Knowledge is your POWER:
Your Power, that allows and affords you many many possibilities to opportunities to be able to make Informed Decisions in, of and for your Lifestyles:
So as to afford and allow yourself to unlock and use your Power of Wisdom: To help you to be able to better safeguard, protect, preserve and enhance your Gift and Gifts of Life.
Your Power of Wisdom, that will afford and allow you to create and make far more possibilities to opportunities to enable you to make far more of your present and future “Dreams, Hopes Wishes and Goals, to become your Reality, Truth and Purposes of Being in, of and for your Gift and Gifts of Life.
In the text bellow: You will personal be able to afford and allow your “Being of being”:
To understand the various threats upon your personal Gift and Gifts of Life, at this very moment and in your future lifestyles:
You will also be able to gain more Knowledge and Power, to be able to be You, in your Chosen Qua of Being of Choice of Purposes, Reasons and Goal : For it is time to realise that you will have many many Purposes, for as you progress within the various age periods of your Life:
Your present and future “Dreams, Hopes, Wishes and Goals, are going to change, and this will afford and allow you to understand that this will cause you to meet new people, and this will result in you having many many Purposes
Please, remember this throughout your life:
Never believe anyone who tells you:
That you : “Only have One Purpose in Life” or you must “Find your Purpose in Life”.
Because such words are designed to “Break and Crush“,  the Human Soul and Inner Centred Spirit Form”
Because , since your early schooling years, you have been programmed to ‘Doubt” and during your life’s experiences you have also come to realise , that Human Beings are very vulnerable to their thoughts, feelings and emotions:
So, if you fall to the belief that there is only ‘One Purpose” for your Life:
You will fall into a mental trap of ‘Doubt”, which is the quickest and easiest way to ‘Crush and Break“, a persons Body, Mind, Soul and Inner Centered Spirit Form
The quickest way for you to understand, just how easy it is for you to be able to personal tap into your Inner Soul and Spirit’s, “Inspiration, Hope, Joyfulness, Greatfullness, Thankfulness, Appreciation, Happiness and Laughter”, of you whole Being:
Is simply for you to choose to realise and understand , how truly easy it is to “Focus Upon”, reigniting your personalInspiration, Hope,  Joyfulness, Greatfullness, Thankfulness, Appreciation, Happiness and Laughter “.
All you have to do is realise that you are a “Living Being”, made up of a Body, Mind, Soul and Inner Centered Spirit Form; And All you need to do is “Begin to Laugh and Laugh”.
Because, you are a “Chemically Being”:  And by you choosing to understand how body functions and processes: You then afford and allow yourself:
To get to “Known”: Yourself:
In doing so : You will Empower: Your whole Being: You are your Body, Mind, Soul and Inner Centred Spirit Form.
It may be hard at first, but don’t loose purpose, reason and focus of meaning to be of Being You”;
Because you have heard it before and have been told or heard other people being told you/and them, need to get to know yourself/themselves , in order to love yourself/themselves.
Now be calm, and remember by using your short and long term memories, upon, in, of and for the times “You, felt Inspired, Joyful and Happy’.
Now, you have been adviced or told to get to know yourself, or you maybe reading this for the first time, and you simply feel like the need and want to get to know yourself:
Now because you have a Human Body, that functions and processes on chemical enzymes, endorphins, dopomine and adrenaline, which is stimulated by your major nerve pathways:
The moment who choose to physically laugh and laugh, the sound of your Beautiful Laughing, voice, will cause vibrations of sound upon your Solar Plexus Region: which is located just beneath your breast bone.
Beneath your breast bone , within your Solar Plexus Region, is a hole that allows your major nerves to pass through and  connect to your stomach, in order to stimulate your good gut bacteria, to produce much needed vital enzymes and minerals for your bloodstream.
By you choosing to laugh and laugh, your voice vibrations will stimulated, your vagus nerve on your right side of your neck, which will send signals to your brain, in order to produce feel good chemicals , that afford and allow you to feel ‘Inspiration, Hope and Joyfulness and Happiness”.
By laughing your voice vibrations also stimulate the your major nerves, that are being bunched up, as they pass through the hole, in your solar plexus region, which also sends signals to your gut and your brain to produce good
Because Knowledge is your Power to become aware of , in order to see and understand how you can be afforded and allowed: To be able to better safeguard, protect, preserve and enhance your Beautiful Gift and Gifts of Life.
You will also then become aware that there are many many solutions : Which can allow and afford for creations of conditions and environments:
That will afford and allow you to experience and Live a Life :
That can be far more easier, joyful, happy, grateful, thankful, appreciated and blessed in the Purposes and Reasons, you have choosen to be You of Being You:
These are of some of the present and future threats upon preventing you, from You , being of Being You:
The Threats:
– On a global scale, there are huge media campaigns, pushing Agendas, Concepts and Ideas: Which will end up harming Your Gift of Life , as well as the Gifts of Life of Global Community Neighbourhoods, Wildlife, Marine Life and the various Forms of Biodiversity upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth: In the your present and future
– At present the tools being used are:
CO2, is and has been caused by Fossil Fuels, as the reason why Global Warming and Climate Change are occuring:
The Sole purpose and reason is to instill global fear in the “Mindsets and Hearts”, of Global Community Neighbourhoods, based upon the claim that they are now living in and having to face and cope with the “Threat’ , of this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth, facing it’s “6th Mass Extinction Event”.
– Globally, the push and the Agenda, is so that Global Community Neighbourhoods members and their children, families, relatives, friends and next door neighbours, can be convinced to give up all their Free Will and Freedom: So as to stop the claimed 6th Mass Extinction Event, of Earth.
– Unfortunately, the Agenda involves that Global Community Neighbourhoods Members, should give up their Freedom, Free Will, Bill of Right and Supreme Laws of their country, which at this very moment, afford and afford for the Laws to protect Citizens (Children, Teens and Adults) right to Life ,Free Will, and Freedom:
Global main media, social media, alternative media, and many various government statements is abuzz with the reporting on the various Agendas, upon the things and choosen lifestyles, that Global Community Neighbourhoods  members, will have to give up or embrace:
All in the name to prevent the 6th Mass Extinction and to create a New World Order: Throughout this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth:
On a global scale, given the various forms of media reporting many Global Community Neighbourhoods against being manipulated and co-hearsed into given up their Free Will, Freedom, present Global Financial Sustems and Supreme Law within, their country, which will eventually lead to Global Community Neighbourhoods, taking their politicians and government representatives , to the Supreme Law Court Houses, of their country:
Yet, there are presently many many things and activities throughout the world, that are threatening to usher in and aid Planet Earth’s 6th Mass Extinctions:
Some of the threats that Global Community Neighbourhoods Members could choose to focus upon to stop them:
–  The Global Campaigning to convince Global Community Neighbourhoods: To aid, help, allow and afford for more infrastructure to be constructed :
For removing CO2 (carbon dioxide) from Earth’s Atmosphere:
The actions and focus from removing CO2 from Earth’s atmosphere: Could easily result cashing  Planet Earth to enter it’s 6th Mass Extinction Event:
The text bellow will explain why?
– The Increased Geo-engineering of Earth’s Atmosphere: Could easily result in the cause of Planet Earth entering it’s 6th Mass Extinction Event.
The text bellow will explain why?
– There are numerous other activities occuring upon Planet Earth right now, that could easily result in the cause of Planet Earth entering it’s 6th Mass Extinctions event.
Unfortunately, the longer that Global Community Neighbourhoods, choose to allow themselves to be distracted, manipulated, co-hearsed and deceived, the greater the present threats upon Planet Earth, will grow, which compounds the combined threats, to increase the chances of Planet Earth being purposefully pushed into a 6th Mass Extinction Event
Globally, Community Neighbourhoods are continuously reminded that Knowledge is their Power:
So what Knowledge and Power, geared and focused upon “Solutions”;
Could Global Community Neighbourhoods possibly gain from the text bellow
In Responded to the :
21 to 24 April 2023:  #TheBigOne
Where thousand of people are gathered on the streets of Westminster, during the London Marathon :
Beacuse they have gathered to demand and End to the Fossil Fuel Era:
And that UK government create an “Emergency Citizens Assembly”
So; So : So, that just like in France, were Macron, allowed for an “Emergency Citizens Assembly”: to take place so as to usher in Draconic Rules of Laws, to oppress the “Rights of the Rest of the Citizens of France:
Which Macron: Then added extra laws of oppression: Stating that this is what the “Emergency Citizens Assembly ” wanted to happen within the country:
Sounds really really bad.
Now to be frankly honest with you and all other Eco Activists, upon Earth, now and in the future regarding CO2 and all Fossil Fuels, in the Atmosphere of this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth .

You have all been manipulated and deceived , through your basic school education and higher learning institutes:

To not be able to use your basic 1 + 1 logical thoughts, feelings and emotions, in order to obtain knowledge, which would afford and allow you to make informed decisions, to safeguard, protect, preserve and enhance your Gift and Gifts of Life.


Because by affording and allowing yourselves to be able to think logically and rationally, based upon the fact that knowledge is your Power.

Now: some simple logical

– They claim CO2 is increasing in the atmosphere, and being the cause of global warming and climate change:

Yet they also say Rain and Storms and humidity has increased.

So Logic would say: All the Fossil Fuels of years gone bye, let’s say decades and decades, would no longer be in the atmosphere:


Because each night the air cools, and all these particles and compounds of fossil fuels would sink towards the Earth’s surface and the cool wet air would absorb them and deposited them upon land mass or water masses.

Yet the main scientists, foundations and organisation,  leading the Agenda of CO2 and fossil fuels, claimed to be decades and decades of accumulating in Earth’s Atmosphere.

– Now the same applies to CO2: But with the difference of CO2 being absorbed by cool wet air, to form acids that fall to land masses:

Where the acids will release the surface soil minerals, so that natural wild vegetation, farmland crops and fresh produce farm fields, can gain access to soil minerals

Planet Earth has entered it’s 2019 to 2026 Sun’s Solar Maximum Period:

Which means major Increase in daily Radiation, Solar Flares and Solar Storms:

Reported by all major news channels, scientific government departments and on Trending Daily Cellphone News Feeds.

Scientific data reveals that all CO2 ,present in the Atmosphere, accounts for only 0.03% of the Atmosphere.

There is no mathematical way or scientific way in which 0.03% of CO2 could every cause Global Warming or Climate Change.

Yet water vapour in the Earth’s Atmosphere such as humidity, rain and clouds, is the only element in the atmosphere, capable of being heated and absorbing the Sun’s present increased Solar Maximum Radiation, presently bombarding Earth’s Ozone Layer and Cosmic Magnetosphere Sun Shield.

Unfortunately, on a global scale so many Eco Activists, have been brainwashed from seeing the many many Solutions:

For one decades and decades of fossil fuels compounds and particles and other forms of pollution, have increased and accumulated in soil and water bodies (lakes, rivers, dams, seas and oceans).

Unfortunately, so many Eco Activists are being brainwashed and kept from being able to identify the problems , so as to come up with the Solutions.

To be frank and honest: If the UK’s Citizens stopped all Fossil Fuels in their country today, it would mean millions of UK Citizens would die within a month.


Because the UK economy and infrastructure, and daily Food Security needs, are solely dependant upon Fossil Fuels.

Within a month, there would be total Chaos, a shops would be robbed, and Anarchy would Rain upon all the UK Citizens.

If the rest of the world stopped Fossil Fuels today; The same Fate would fall upon their countries and Citizens and their children.


Because right now there is No Alternative to Fossil Fuels.

Unfortunately ,so many global Eco Activists have been Brainwashed,, Manipulated and Deceived, into becoming the voices of people, as and for the mouth piece, that will cause and attempt too ensure that Billions of global Citizens and their children will die.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels where astronomically higher in the past, that they presently are in 2023.

The Purposes and Reasons, that allowed and afforded life to Excel and Thrive upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth, was because their was an astronomical abundance of vegetation on land and in all of the oceans, seas and freshwater bodies.

All of this Excelling and Thriving afforded and allowed more Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to be present in Earth’s Atmosphere.

Global Junior School, are taught and know that CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is a vital gas, needed by Natural Vegetation in the Wilds and Forests, and for farmers fields of crops and produce (vegetables) to be able to survive, grow and develop.

This Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth, can only afford and allow all forms of Life to exist, due to the Oxygen, that is created and released by the many forms of Phytoplankton and Algae in the seas, oceans and freshwater bodies.

Land masses throughout Earth, also provide Vegetation that Manufactures and Produces Oxygen.

The Earth’s various forms of Life, like Global Community Neighbourhoods Members and their Children, Wildlife, Marine Life and the various Forms of Biodiversity upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth, are at the mercy of Phytoplankton and Algae within the various Oceans and Seas, in the need to obtain Carbon Dioxide, as to complete their Life Cycles, so as to provide more Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen.

Unfortunately, so many Global Eco Activists have been “Brainwashed” from being able to see and understand Nature’s Basic Cycles of Sustaining Life.

Unfortunately, you will hear and be bombarded by many many Eco Activists, Politicians, Foundation, Eco Groups , Heads of States and Countries and so called expert caring scientists and marine biologists: Stating: That Global Citizens should find Nature Based Solutions to address and mitigate Global Warming and Climate Change.

The Honest Truth is that Global Citizens, not have to “Re-invent the Wheels and Circles of Life”.


Because Nature is “Already Perfect”, and has for 4.5 Billions years, being Sustaining the Evolution of Life.

Unfortunately, for Global Community Neighbourhoods in the present and in the future, their lives and the lives of their future generations are now being threaten, hampered and jeopardize, by so many Brainwashed people, and those with Alternative Agendas and Motives.

On a global scale the promotion of Eco and Nature Agendas and Campaigns: Are Solely Focused upon Carbon Dioxide CO2 and Fossil Fuels being the cause of Global Warming and Climate Change.

To the point, where they have constructed mega constructions ,of super infrastrcture and industrail super structures and unites, that are now “Removing Planetary vital and needed CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), from the Atmosphere:

On a global scale, the campaigning is growing  to “Remove Life Giving and Life Forming CO2” , to be intensified to further remove as much CO2 (carbon dioxide), from the atmosphere: Which will result in and  cause devastation and suffering upon and too all Forms of Life, upon this Beautiful Blue planet called Earth.

This will result in all global natural environment’s vegetation and farmland fields of crops and produce, taking strain and not being able to develop properly or fully:

This will result in Global Food Security being harmed and destroyed.

Billions of people, farm livestock and animals within Nature : Will be harmed and they will suffer.

It even gets far worst?


Because this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth, will experience a decline in Oxygen Levels:


Because Earth is very dependent upon the “Phytoplankton and Micro Algae” in it’s oceans, seas and freshwater bodies of water, too be able to gain and absorb Carbon Dioxide (CO2), so as to complete their Life Cycles, in order to produce OXYGEN.

It is also vital for Nature’s natural environments of vegetation, and for the phytoplankton and algae of both ocean waters and freshwater bodies, to be able to again and absorb CO2 (carbon dioxide) ,so as to keep the correct levels of the Nitrogen cycles and levels.


Because right now, in the year of 2023, all Life Forms throughout this Beautiful blue Planet, have adapted their present Immune Systems and the vascular blood systems, to be in rhythm and sync of all their bodily functions and processes and needs, to be able to use the present levels and amounts of Nitrogen, when they breathe in and out, so as to produce : So as to be able to Regulate their body Temperature and to produce Vitally needed Nitric Oxides.

All life forms, who use their nasal cavities to cool the air they breathe in, have all evolved their present nasal cavities construction and process , to be able to compress Nitrogen gas, then expand this gas, so as to cause “Maximum Cooling”, of and for their Lung’s alveoli, grape like sacks and capillary blood vessels, so as to cool their blood plasma, so as to be able to regulate their body temperature, during extreme levels of heat or sickness. ( global warm, heat waves, hot flushes, or when their body is fighting an infection or sickness, during extreme intervals of inflammation defensive periods, or an activated immune system defense response).

Globally, people are well aware that if they purse their lips, and then breathe in, they can super cool the  air, 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, which affords and allows people to cool their body temperature

People can also breathe in deeply through their nose, and this results in their nasal cavities rapidly cooling the air they are breathing in.

Now medically and scientifically, there are over 300 functions and processes , that the human body relies upon, the vital role of “Nitric Oxide”.

The production and use of “Nitric Oxide”, is vital for the health and wellbeing of Natures Wildlife and Marine life Forms.

Nitric Oxide, is also vital for Human Beings, Wildlife and Marine Life, to be able to use this gas during each and every breath, to defend their bodies against the many many forms of bacteria, fungi and viruses they are exposed to, during each and every breath they take.

The Medical and Scientific Importance of Nitric Oxide For Human and Animal Health and Life;

links; Overall Health Benefits:

– Nitric Oxide Human Health and Disease

– NtricNitric Oxide Know as the Fisrt Defense against bacteria, fungi and virus

– 5 Reasons Why Nitric Oxide Is Vital in Supporting Life

Here is where it gets Super Bad: For all Global Citizen and all Forms of Life.

Due to less Oxygen being present in the “Earths Atmosphere”, there will be far less Ozone Layer Concentrations, as a Shield Against the Sun’s Daily Radiation.

If you think Global Warming and Climate Change is bad now: Wait till your future generations have to experience and live with and attempt to survive with “A Degraded Ozone Layer Sun Radiation Shield‘.

It even gets Worst.


Because during the Earth’s Cretaceous Period : There was practically no no No “Polar Flipping”, which would mean that Planet Earth had a good magnetic field, that worked in being able too Super Power Up, the Planet’s Magnetosphere Cosmic Sun Shield.


Because the Earth had super high concentration of Oxygen in the Atmosphere: Where Fossil within the ground presently and on display in Museums, the world over, where gigantic and super large.

Why ?

Because due to the increased amounts of OXYGEN LEVELS, present in the Atmosphere, of Earth, it allowed and afforded all life forms to Super Grow: The Fossils of the Cretaceous Period Proves this Scientifically.


Due to such high levels of Oxygen, which are capable of transferring “Electrons/ Ions”, in the Air: It then allowed and afforded Earth’s Magnetosphere Cosmic Sun Shield, to increase its Magnetic Field Lines of Protection, so as to ensure that the Sun’s Daily Radiation, would not strip all of this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth, Atmosphere away.

Most Global Community Neighbourhoods, are well aware and informed, that the Planet, Mars, which is even further away from the Sun, than Earth; Has lost all it’s Atmosphere.

Unfortunately, at present globally, all Community Neighbourhoods members and their children, families, realities, friends and next door neighbours, are presently in deep trouble : Due to so many People choosing to be “Brainwashed” and allowing themselves to be manipulated, deceived and co-hearsed, into giving up their cognitive abilities and skills, of being able to use their logical 1 + 1 = 2 , thoughts, feelings and emotions, in combination with their Body, Mind, Soul, and Inner Centered Spirit Form.

To be frankly honest, the global Eco Activists are all being deceived and manipulated, from not even being able to see or identify the “True Problems”, which would actually result in “Benifical Solutions” being identified and then implemented:

That would actually help Global Community Neighbourhoods, Wildlife, Marine Life and the various Forms of Biodiversity upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth.

Now don’t you think it is “Time” for a global “Awakening”, for Global Community Neighbourhoods, to be afforded and allowed , to be able to use their abilities, skills and logical 1 + 1 thoughts, feelings and emotions, in combination with their Body, Mind, Soul and Inner Centered Spirit Form.

So that they can Excel and Thrive, with this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth?

All Human Beings have a natural trait and habit, of seeking, wanting. needing and desiring to safeguard, protect, preserve and enhance their Gift and Gifts of Life .

Just like all Forms of Wildlife, Marine Life and the various Forms of Biodiversity throughout this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth, live and do so on a daily basis.

Now: See-See-See (3 6 9)

Every thing is spirally and rotating, from one point to the next.

Everything rotates and spirals in and around “Vortex” induced patterns, because all matter in the physical state, has magnetic energy of movement, that results in a by product called gravity.

The Vortex Patterns, are seen in all of Nature and throughout the entire Cosmos.

Do you See the True Purposes and Reasons for the Circles of Life, upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth?

Preserve, Protect & Enhance the Gift and Gifts of Life’s Circles and Connections


Because by choosing to do so you will create and make conditions and environments, that enable all the various Forms Life , upon this Beautiful Blue Planet called, to be able to complete their many many Purposes and Reasons, that aid and help the Purposes and Reasons in, of and for the Gift and Gifts of Life

“Love Alle Forma in Qua (Your Character of Being)”

Video Link: On “Love Alle Forma in Qua”.

1: The slow motion recoding;

Resulting in the message:

Love Alle Forma In Qua =  Love all Forms in Qua


2: The video of and on what was actually said:


The following Videos : Trying to Help Global Community Neighbourhoods and Nature:: before the Qua Message
Siobhan and Chad: After Surfing
The Next Day School Project:
 “Why” is it important and Beneficial to focus with Purposes of Being in, of and for your Gift and Gifts of Life.
Because, by choosing to focus calmly, upon your overall health and soundness of your Body, Mind, Soul and Inner Centered Spirit Form:
You will then enable, afford and allow yourself to make and create far more possibilities to opportunities of being able to create and make far more of your present and future “Dreams, Hopes, Wishes and Goals, to become your Reality, Truth and Purposes of Being in, of and for your Gift and Gifts of Life”
In doing so you create and make , conditions and environments that help safeguard, protect, preserve and enhance other People’s lives, and the lives of Wildlife, Marine Life and the various Forms of Biodiversity throughout this Beautiful Blue Planet called Earth
The results are that the many many Purposes and Reasons in, of and for the many many Circles of Life, can then Excel, Thrive and Enjoy their Gift and Gifts of Life.

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