Video just proved that blood taken in 2015 from some people all over the world, proved that 30 to 50 % of these people had T- cell Immunity to SARS 2 ( COVID 19).
They called these people “Asymptomatic Persons”, and then say they might be immuned.
Strange how these COVID 19 Experts claim that Asymptomatic Persons might still spread COVID 19 to other people in society.
Yet these same COVID 19 Experts, state that Asymptomatic Persons, will not show up on their COVID 19 Antibody Tests.
Now if these COVID 19 Experts, really wanted to prove “Asymptomatic Persons”have Immunity, then surly they can do better for global citizens and their children’s sanity and health.
What can global citizens deduce from this video.
1.Since 2015 blood samples they have just proved “5 YEARS OF IMMUNITY, for COVID 19”.
2 Crazy that for a year COVID 19 Vaccine Developers, COVID 19 Experts, and Government Medical Representatives have claimed they don’t know, and some claim 3 months IMMUNITY.
Try 5 years and if they except the 2003 SARS 1 recoveries were proven in 2020 to have crossover immunity to SARS 2, then it is “17 Years of IMMUNITY”.
2. Now if Asymptomatic Persons, don’t have an over-stimulation of Antibodies in their bloodstream, that means they have a ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, of their Respiratory Tracks Cells.
2. immunity just proven, remember a COVID 19 Antibody test, means no infection of viruses in their “Bloodstream”.
Which has been proven in humans and laboratory test animals when exposed to “Wild Viruses” years ago.
4. This means beyond a doubt that “Medical Journals and Medical Text Books”, are correct about the Innate Immune System’s purposes, functions and abilities to form a barrier so that the bloodstream will not be infected with viruses.
5 . Why because the Neutrophils in saliva and mucus, have already provided the “Respiratory Tracks Cells, T-cells and Macrophages will all of the viruses antigens/peptides.
Which proves the COVID 19 Experts having ignored, defied and denied their country’s Constitution, and the rights given to the country’s Citizens and their children.
This also proves that citizens in 2020 and 2021, who have recovered from various COVID 19 Viruses, will have a ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, as they have the same T-cell Crossover Immunity as citizens “Blood samples of 2015”, which proves 5 years of ROBUST Crossover Immunity.
This then proves that all Citizens recovered from COVID 19, can recieve “COVID 19 Passes” to begins to “Re-Grow” the world’s “Global Economies”.
Now in the beginning of the “COVID 19 Pandemic” it was stated that 80 % of global citizens would recover from COVID 19 easily and many would not even know that they has been exposed to COVID 19.