Petition South Africa’s Government, based on “Scientific and Medical Evidence”.
Petitioning for the following.
1. “COVID 19 Passes”, for all citizens who have recovered from any COVID 19 viruses, based upon the “Scientific and Medical Evidence/and links from Medical Professional’s statements and videos that are backed up with scientific and medical evidence and proof, medical and scientific research/studies/evidence of proof.
T-cell tests are quick to determine ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, to all forms of COVID 19.
As various antigens/peptides of SARS1 and SARS2 (COVID 19) are 80% identical, and some of these antigens/peptides are 99% to 100% identical
Link: Percentages of identically, of SARS1 and SARS2 (COVID 19)
2. Stop the forced mandatory mask laws, which have been proven medically and scientifically to cause bacteria lung infection, that cause inflammation, which results in low vitamin D levels, which then results in the “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”, being hindered, prevented, and deactivated from fore-filling the purposes, functions, and abilities of/and to maintain a “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY.The scientific and medical evidence and proof, within this petition, proves crossover immunity from past cold/flu/ and exposure to the various forms of COVID 19.
3. South Africa Medical Council, and government department’s representatives, to revaluating the “Emergency Authorization for COVID 19 Vaccines”, bases upon the scientific and medical research and trials on “Ivermectin”, stated to be 100% effective in treating and curing COVID 19.
The President, of South Africa, announced in his speech and address to the “Nation” that he highlighted in ” Nations Family Meetings”, that South African Citizens must “Trust the Scientific Evidence”.Would this be a good time for the President of South Africa and citizens, of the country, to now ” Trust the Scientific Evidence”, presented in this petition, as well as the many global doctors raising their concerns, as to the very same points, as this petition is/and has highlighted, and petitioning for?
Video just proved that blood taken, in 2015, from some citizens from different countries around the world, proved that 30 to 50 % of these people had T- cell Immunity to SARS 2 ( COVID 19).
The COVID 19 Experts and medical professionals, called these people “Asymptomatic Persons”, and then say/claim they might have IMMUNITY.
Strange how these COVID 19 Experts claim that “Asymptomatic Persons” might still spread COVID 19 to other citizens in society.
The COVID 19 Experts and many medical professionals, denied and ignored China’s evidence and proof that “Asymptomatic Persons”, do not spread COVID 19, amongst communities.
If the COVID 19 Experts, had excepted China’s scientific and medical evidence, it would mean that recovered COVID 19 citizens, could receive “COVID 19 Passes”, to start to regrow their global economies and get their “Lifestyles”, mental wellness, correct healthy diets, and overall wellness back.
Yet these same COVID 19 Experts, state that Asymptomatic Persons, will not show up on any of their “COVID 19 Antibody Tests”, to have an over-stimulation of antibodies present in their bloodstream.
Why, because their bloodstream does not show evidence of COVID 19 viruses, which would cause overstimulation of antibodies and Inflammation peptides to be present in their bloodstream.
The COVID 19 Experts, just proved that asymptomatic persons have a “ROBUST IMMUNITY”, of their respiratory system’s cells, by proving that now COVID 19 viruses are present in their “Bloodstream”.
The golden standard of detecting “COVID 19”, is PCR testing and antibody testing to confirm COVID 19 viruses are present in the bloodstream.
Now if these COVID 19 Experts, really wanted to prove “Asymptomatic Persons” have Immunity, then surely they can do a lot better, for global and South African citizens and their children’s sanity, mental wellness, and overall well-being.
What can global and South African citizens deduce from this video?
1.The 2015 blood samples have just proven “5 YEARS OF IMMUNITY, for citizens who have recovered from COVID 19”.
2 Crazy, that for a year, global citizens have had to listen to COVID 19 Vaccine Developers, COVID 19 Experts, and Government Medical Representatives claiming that they don’t know long COVID 19 IMMUNITY lasts, and some claim(ed) only 3 months of IMMUNITY, based upon “S-protein/Binding/Blocking Antibodies”, that all COVID 19 Vaccines are solely focused on.
To claim “Herd Immunity”, after COVID 19 vaccinated, would be to ignore, defy and deny the finding of COVID 19 Vaccine Developers, who state S-proteins wain within 48 days after being infected with COVID 19.
This raises the question, of how good can “COVID 19 Vaccines”, be if they are going to only allow for 48 days (one month and 17 days) of Immunity for S-protein/Binding/Blocking Antibodies.
Is it really worthwhile spending “Billions of Tax Payers Monies”, on a so-called IMMUNITY, when so many citizens are out of work, and now have poor diets and many are hunger, which has weakened their health and their “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”?Bearing in mind that all COVID 19 recoveries are medically proven to have a high T- cell counts and low S-proteins/Binding/Blocking antibody levels, that decrease rapidly.
High T cell level counts are a sign of a well activated and functioning “Innate Immune System’s”, that continuously produced T-cells, as a daily defence against pathogens, that enter the respiratory system, via the eyes, nose, and mouth. (Tears, Mucus and Saliva)
The eyes are connected via tear ducts, brow sinus tubes to the nasal cavities. An antibody test would account for the high counts of T-cells, due to the “Innate Immune System’s”, being a barrier and defence for the bloodstream, as the respiratory track’s cells, would have developed a “ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY”, against many viruses and pathogens, that the human body is exposed to daily.
Antibodies, present in mucus and saliva already begin to destroy viruses and will present all of the virus’s full spectrum of antigens/peptides to mucus and saliva glands, as well as to the rest of the respiratory track’s cells, which allows for the respiratory system, to quickly form a ROBUST IMMUNITY, against the viruses, present in saliva, mucus, and lung mucus.
Now if “Medically” t is proven that T-cells can destroy the various COVID 19 viruses, by gaining antigen markers of the main structure “N-proteins”, as well as the main center nucleus peptides of the viruses, then what good is it to just give vaccines that only stimulate S-protein/binding/blocking antibodies, as neutrophils and eosinophils, don’t need marker antigens for they attack all foreign matter, pathogens, and viruses, and so do macrophages antibodies.
The COVID 19 Vaccines, won’t offer the adaptive immune system’s T-cells, any of the various COVID viruses main body structure antigens/peptides (N- proteins), or the center nucleus peptides/antigens, that T-cells normally use to detect and then destroy the various forms of COVID 19 viruses, present in the bloodstream and cell tissue.
The helper T-cells, just get S-protein antigens for binding/blocking antibodies, which only focus on COVID 19 viruses s-spike crowns.
What makes matters worse, is that neutrophils, which comprise up to 75% of the body’s entire amount of antibodies, have evolved to detect and destroy foreign matter and pathogens, which they do by producing inflammatory peptides and cytokine peptides, that are capable of not just destroying pathogens and viruses, but able to destroy cell tissue, and can result in a cytokine storm.
Medically, it is proven that neutrophils in lung mucus, can cause septicemia, during bacterial lung infection, once vitamin D levels drop, as dropped vitamin D levels cause macrophages to deactivate, which also results in the loss of anti-inflammatory peptides, produced by macrophages to cancel out neutrophils Inflammatory peptides.
This is why “Pneumonia” can be such a life-threatening medical condition, for once inflammation starts, it will cause the body’s bloodstream to convert glucose and good cholesterol fats into fat storage
.Vitamin D levels will plummet, and deactivate “Macrophages (Antibodies)” in the lungs air-sacs, blood capillaries to deactivate and stop producing anti-inflammatory enzymes/peptides that are used to cancel out “Neutrophils Cytokine Peptides”.This also highlights the dangers of forced mandatory mask laws, that force a country’s citizens and children to wear “Masks”.
A 2015 medical research and study, with trials on the medical staff, who trialed cloth and medical masks, proved that cloth masks cause major bacterial lung infections of the medical staff who wore “Cloth Masks”.Medical professionals stated that cloth masks should not be used by medical staff or the general public.
Links: 2015 Medical Cloth vs Medical Masks, and Bacterial Lung Infections
– https://www.sciencedaily.
The problem that masks wearers (children, teenagers, and adults) now face, is that they are forced to “Re-breathe”, all the dust, bacteria, pathogens, and viruses, in a continuous loop of circulation between their nose, lungs, nose-mouth, which forces their lungs air-sacs to clog up with a mixture of grim and pathogens.
Citizens’ lungs have mucus layers and hairs that brush through the mucus layer and filter out this grime and pathogens.
Normal breathing or a cough will expel dust, bacteria, and pathogens, from the lungs, in order to keep the mucus layer clean and clear to allow for good oxygen exchange.
To much grime and pathogens in the lungs air-sacs, which hinder oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.
Neutrophil’s also causing, thick green mucus phlegm layers, to build in air-sacs that are heavily contaminated with dust, bacteria, and pathogens, which will result in heavy strained breathing.
Everyone globally has noticed when they catch/contract a cold or flu, phlegm will build up in/on their lungs.
The infection will cause labored breathing, with a sensation of being short of breath, as they struggle to obtain sufficient oxygen, into their bloodstream.
Unfortunately, forced mask-wearing, laws of South Africa and globally, now force citizens to be at high risk to experience and develop a “Cytokine Storm”, for macrophages will signal for neutrophils, and “Neutrophils” will begin to produce “Cytokine”, unfortunately as their cytokine begin to cause damages to lung air-sacs, inflammation will set in, which will deactivate macrophages anti-inflammatory enzymes/peptides and a “Cytokine Storm” will begin as Neutrophils begin to attack the bacterial lung Infection, and the grime and the building levels of dead lung tissue.
One would not even have to have a “Global COVID 19 Pandemic or a Flu type virus or Bat Viruses”, for bacterial lung infections, and lungs packed with filtered in grime and pathogens, would be good enough to cause pneumonia and a “Cytokine Storm”.All that would be required would be to “Mask -Up”, a country’s citizens and watch the numbers of “Bacterial Lung Infections”, increase, which would cause many to develop “Pneumonia”, and many would experience a “Cytokine Storm”, which would intensify as their lungs tissues are destroyed, and dead tissues would cause the neutrophils to continue to destroy the now foreign matter, being dead septic riddled flesh full of bacteria.
For dead cells no longer have the protective antivirals, that are produced by each living tissue cell of the human body.
Bacteria gets to have a feeding frenzy on the now fiberos dead particles of flesh and Neutrophils, get to rage ( Cytokine Storm) against the “Dead Flesh Riddled with Bacteria”, for the dead flesh no longer has it’s “Anti-viral Protection”.Unfortunately, people experiencing a “Cytokine Storm”, taking place in their lungs mucus layers, of their air-sacs, now face a “Cytokine Storm” that takes place in their “Bloodstream”.
Italian medical professionals, who raised the concerns, that autopsies, conducted on deceased COVID 19 persons, revealed massive “Bacterial damages”, and extreme bacterial lung infection.
The Italian medical professionals stated that COVID 19, cases massive bacterial lung infections, and COVID 19 patients should be treated with “Antibiotics”.Social media, light-up with this information, but it was classed as “Fake News”, and was discourage and played down as being “Conspiracy Theories”.Now given that “Scientific and Medical Evidence”, prove and show that S-proteins can “High-jack”, human cell’s “Antiviral” production nucleus, which is a well-documented process, by medical professionals, advising for the use of “Ivermectin”, which prevents S-proteins from being able to deactivate human tissue cells production of “Antivirals”.
Unfortunately, the South African government ban on the use of “Ivermectin” for their citizens, treatment of COVID 19.
Now given that a “Cytokine Storm”, taking place in the vital respiratory system, ivermectin and antibiotics, would be “Life-Saving”, to kill bacterial lung Infections, which would still the Neutrophils “Cytokine Storm” taking place in the mucus layer of the lung’s air sacs.
Many South African lives could have been saved from not dying of COVID 19, had the Italian medical advice of prescribing antibiotics, as well as if the South African government had not banned, the use of “Ivermectin”.Globally, for months now “Ivermectin”, has been played down, to not be used as a “Treatment”, for COVID 19 patients.
As the preferred “Emergency Authorisation of the COVID 19 Vaccines”, was deemed to be the best medical cure, for Immunity and health.
Unfortunately, COVID 19 Vaccines, can not be given to ICU COVID 19 patients, or those already infected with COVID 19.
Unfortunately, COVID 19 vaccines, don’t have bacterial killing properties, and they induce “High Fevers”, which is a sign of a “Cytokine Mini Storm” of Inflammatory peptide response to the ingredients of the “Vaccine Serum”.Global medical professionals are raising the “Scientific and Medical Evidence”, that “COVID 19 Vaccines and other Vaccines”, have caused “Antibody-dependant enhancement and cell priming”, that has seen human and laboratory animals die, due to a “Cytokine Storm”, that takes place once the vaccinated test animals or humans have been exposed to the “Wild Viruses”, that the vaccines are supposed to be giving “IMMUNITY” for.
Video Links: Global Medical Professionals Raising their Fears and Concerns.
Would the South African Medical Council, government department representatives, and Medical Advisors deem the “Emergency Authorisation of the COVID 19 Vaccines”, to be “Risks”, that South African citizens and their children should be exposed to?
Do South African citizens believe that these are “Risks”, they should expose themselves and their children to, bases upon the so-called “Herd Immunity Achieved”, if citizens are vaccinated, with COVID 19 Vaccines.
Links: Cytokine Storm- Macrophages and Neutrophil Double Edge Sword
– https://knowablemagazine.
More than enough Scientific and Medical Evidence, to prove, that forced mandatory “Mask Wearing”, can induce and cause/lead to citizens being forced to expose themselves to a “Medical Cytokine Storm”, due to the forced deactivation of their “Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems”.
Unfortunately, South Africa’s government department representatives and media campaigns, and medical professional advisors., promote the use of “Cloth Masks” and encourage it as a form of profits and income for the clothing industry and small home owned businesses.
Link: Macrophages, Neutrophils, and Eosinophils
– https://onlinelibrary.wiley.
– Scientific and Medical Antibody Tests:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.
– https://onlinelibrary.wiley.
Try 5 years, proven IMMUNITY, and if COVID 19 Experts, Government Department’s Representatives, and their Medical Advisors, except the 2003 SARS 1 recoveries, who were proven, in 2020, to have crossover immunity to SARS 2, then it is “17 Years of IMMUNITY”, to all forms of COVID 19
Link: (website)SARS1 Recovers had Crossover Immunity to COVID 19 (SARS 2).
Now if Asymptomatic Persons, don’t have an over-stimulation of Antibodies in their bloodstream, that means they have a ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, of their ‘Respiratory Track’s Cells”.IMMUNITY has just proven, remember a COVID 19 Antibody test, means no infection of viruses in their “Bloodstream”, which has been proven in humans and laboratory test animals when exposed to “Wild Viruses” years ago.
4. This means that beyond a doubt, that “Medical Journals and Medical Text Books, Years and Years of Past Scientific and Medical Studies, and Research conducted in 2020″, are correct about the human body’s ” Innate Immune System’s” purposes, functions, and abilities to form a barrier so that the bloodstream will not be infected with viruses.
5 . Why because the Neutrophils in saliva and mucus, have already provided the “Respiratory Tracks Cells, T-cells and Macrophages will all of the viruses antigens/peptides.This proves the COVID 19 Experts, Government Department’s Representatives, and their Medical Advisors, have ignored, defied, and denied their country’s Constitution, and it’s rights given to the country’s citizens and their children, for their safety of of their life, mental wellness and overall health.
This also proves that citizens in 2020 and 2021, who have recovered from the various COVID 19 Viruses, will have a ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, as they have the same T-cell Crossover Immunity as citizens “Blood samples of 2015”, which proves 5 years of ROBUST Crossover Immunity to 2015 blood samples, and 17 years crossover Immunity to 2003 SARS1 recoveredThis then proves that all Citizens recovered from COVID 19, can receive “COVID 19 Passes” to begin to “Re-Grow” the world’s “Global Economies”, and take back their constitutional rights, so as to reclaim their Lifestyles, mental wellness, and overall health.
Now, at the beginning of the “COVID 19 Pandemic,” it was stated that 80 % of global citizens would recover from COVID 19 easily and many would not even know that they have been exposed to COVID 19.
To date, the recovery rate has jumped up to 99.97% for many global citizens
– many more global clinical studies and trials on ivermectin, proven to be a 100% effective cure, before a “Cytokine Storm” of the lungs mucus layer or bloodstream has taken place.
Ivermectin has been proven globally, to have a 100% cure rate, when people are treated early.
Global trials have been conducted months ago, therefore South Africa’s Medically Council and government department’s representatives, “Emergency Authorization for COVID 19 Vaccines”, should be reconsidered, as there now are treatments of “Ivermectin” that has far fewer side-effects than the COVID 19 Vaccines, being rolled out in many countries.
Will the South African Medical Council and government department’s representatives, now stop their “Emergency Authorization for COVID 19 Vaccines”, or will they seem it fit to attempt to jeapodise the lives of South African Citizens and their children, as the COVID 19 Vaccines Developers and manufacturers have stated that they do not know what the “Long-term Side-effects”, will be for those who receive COVID 19 Vaccinations”.
If you would like free information that will help you save loved ones during a COVID 19 Infection, for them to develop a ROBUST CROSSOVER IMMUNITY, in 3 days, then visit the Link:
Links to petition: