Globally many Citizens are in COVID 19 Lockdown & Need Help to See the Solutions, that could save you and your family’s lives.
13 April 2020, Cameron Reed, Douglas Campbell
At present many Global Citizens are in lockdown as COVID 19 threatens their health, wellbeing, abilities to earn money, abilities to gain access to food and water, and their countries economy.
At present globally, many people are being turned away from hospitals for not having medical aid and many are being denied access to medical treatments base on “triage assessments” of them not being patients that will be able to overcome the COVID 19 virus, which is due to a shortage of medical treatment capacity and ventilators, which are been used for patients who have a better chance of overcoming and surviving COVID 19.
Before many countries placed their citizens into lockdown there was a lot of media coverage and social media views raising concerns that when food shortages become a problem, desperate communities will start rioting and big food shops would be raided for food.
The concerns raised before the lock down, also pointed out that once food rioting starts it will causes a breakdown of the ability of many hospitals to be able to continue to service the communities in their needs for medical help and treatments for the COVID 19.
The concerns also stated that if food riots cause a breakdown of law and order it will also cause the collapse of country’s basic service delivery, water and sanitation, as well as waste removal.
The above factors will then greatly compromise the health and safety of citizens, as rioting would see many people in close contact and allow COVID 19 to rapidly spread, unfortunately many of the country’s hospitals would not be operational due to a breakdown of law and order in the country.
The results would be a loss of access to doctors, medical treatments, basic medication from pharmacies, for critical patients who receive chronic medication and cure treatments or vaccines for COVID 19.
***** The problems are that many global citizens are waiting for vaccine cures, medical drug cures and procedure cures.
Unfortunately, there is no ‘Plan B’ being punted from main media or from the many governments of the world, except for the big global campaign of flattening the curve, so that hospitals can cope with patients being admitted to hospitals for COVID 19.
***** Unfortunately, if many people are being turned away from receiving treatments, medication and oxygen at hospitals or being denied treatment due to their triage assessment being to low of a chance for them to survive the virus, then that would mean the figures of the deaths being stated to be affecting 80% of the elderly, would then distort the figures of global citizens having recovered from COVID 19, for without treatment many of the most vulnerable would die, and could not be graded as been patients that were given a chance to recover from the virus.
This would mean that deaths that occurred due to triage assessments and those denied access to hospitals would highlight the necessity to flatten the curve, but most of all it would highlight that more global citizens need to be helped medically to recover from COVID 19.
For the more people who recovery, the greater the “Global Pool of Human Antibodies” will be available to help global citizens have greater opportunities to overcome COVID 19.
Global Citizens really need a Plan B, that has multiple sound strategies of beating COVID 19 and the depression effects growing in their country.
Unfortunately, many of the global elderly are already on chronic medication, and it is a know fact that many medications cause ” Side Effects” and one of the side effects is a ” Shortness of Breath”.
Some antibiotics and 50% of medication have phosphate compounds added to this medication.Hydrochloride and hydrochloric acids, resulting in many side effects in humans.
****ADD and ADHD medication pamphlet inserts state one of the side effects to be ” Shortness of Breath”, compounds of the medication is hydrochloride turning into hydrochloric acids and resulting in many side effects in humans:
* shortness of breath.* headaches * upper respiratory tract infections* increases cough* sore throat* sinusitis*vomiting* dizziness and sleeplessness
***** Not good symptoms to have for people battling and struggling to breath due to COVID 19.
***** With just this medical science and other online medical science it already shows that the present treatment for many COVID 19 needs Plan B strategies.
***** For global citizens can not be told to except the science for climate change and global warming, but don’t worry about the medical science for COVID 19 for the doctors, hospitals and experts know what the best practices of treatment are for COVID 19.
***** At present there definitely are controdictions to medical science and best practices to give global citizens the best chance of survival treatments.
Children, teens and adults who have being swimming in chlorine swimming pools also show side effects to chlorine.
People working with chlorine and bleaching cleaning agents also show side effects.
Cape Talk Radio, South Africa, 15 April 2020 Podcast about a blood specialist of 30 years being ridiculed by the presenter for stating that ventilators can cause damage to patients lungs, as well as his statement that patients red blood cells are showing a problem of lack of ability to contain enough oxygen.
The blood specialist made a comment that hydrochloride turning into hydrochloric acid, used in medication may compromise ” Human Red Blood Cells” ability to hold enough “Oxygen”.
Now if many of the elderly and even some 50 year olds are on chronic medication that compromise their “Red Blood Cells” ability to hold enough oxygen, then any COVID 19 drugs that contain hydrochloride compounds or any other compounds that cause the side effect of ” Shortness of Breath”, then it would be most essential that they can receive nasal medical oxygen during the time their body’s immune system needs to develop antibodies against COVID 19.
Unfortunately, it seems that even many of the elderly who are been treated at hospitals for COVID 19 would already be compromised due to their chronic medications already causing them to have shortness of breath, due to their compromised ” Red Blood Cells”, which would be a huge factor relating to the data that 80% of deaths are from the elderly.
As of 13 April 2020 the number of deaths due to COVID 19 were stated as 118 304, with COVID 19 cases said to be close to 1.9 million.
80 % would equal 94 644 deaths20% would equal 23 759 deaths and the Plan B would be to determine how many of these deaths where people who were on chronic medication that cause shortness of breath. As this data could help more of the infected being able to have better chances of recovering from COVID 19.
It has been stated that many people who have recovered from COVID 19 have experienced the virus as an extreme ” Cold of Flu” and have recovered without the need for hospitalisation.
*** Global Citizens have been told many times to embrace the 4 th industrial revolution, now would be a good time to use this technology for COVID 19:
– how many of the recovery cases did not receive hospital treatments, but used their own self medication treatments.- What medication did they use. Video calling or they make their own video and place it on a platform for data on medication that has seen self treatment recoveries.- of self treatment recoveries how many used”paracetamol” to keep their temperature down, for :
* what are the present data on best practices for self-medications.* the human immune system is said to activated when the body’s temperature is raised, but what human chemical are released and do these chemicals cause “Red Blood Cells” to carry less oxygen so that the lungs can be used with shorter breaths to increase the heat transfer of warmer oxygen being given to ” Red Bloom Cells” to increase the body’s core temperature.* this could mean that too a high a temperate could release to high a level of chemicals to cause to many ” Red Blood Cells” from being able to carry sufficient oxygen and due to compromised lungs not giving enough oxygen to ” Red Blood Cells”.* does the human body elevate body temperature as a mechanism to destroy the number of virus present in the body, for it is said that their fatty protein covers are effected by temperatures of 27 degrees celsius and above.* this would mean that paracetamol may help to reduce the levels of human chemicals that hinder ” Red Blood Cells” from carrying enough oxygen.* during intense fever of hot and cold flushes, what is the purpose of the cold flush on the immune systems function. Is this chemical process a way in which the body boosts oxygen in the blood stream by lowering the ph and causing chemical reactions releasing oxygen and hydrogen .* what benefits would an IV of vitamin C have in aiding this process, as most acids contain oxygen and hydrogen. I * it is a know fact that COVID 19 limits the amount of oxygen in the body, so any chemical treatments that aid oxygen transfer into the blood stream would help cells to remain functional.* does medical oxygen help to reduce bacterial infection on the lungs.* medical nasal oxygen is seen as being most essential to afford critical infected persons the ability to breath, while their immune system build up antibodies to overcome COVID 19.* NB NB Oxygen is spoken about from critically patients who
***** medical science data would be of utmost importance, as well as the medical science data relating to ” Hydochloride Medication” or other medication that cause ” Shortness of Breath”.- of the 118 304 deaths how many of these people did or did not receive hospital treatments or were already on chronic or other forms of medication.
***** NB NB :At present many global citizens have been place into lockdown, due to COVID 19 affecting mostly the elderly, sickly and those with compromised immune system, so the quicker that global citizens choose to embrace Plan B strategies, then the quicker strategies like plasma antibodies donors can used as strategies that can heal these vulnerable citizens and that would mean global citizens have best practice cures to end the COVID 19 epidemic, by been cable of seeing more recoveries and drastically reducing deaths.
The Plan B would be to rather give these elderly the ” Blood Plasma Antibody Cure Route”, for their medications are already compromising their “Red Blood Cells”, which due to COVID 19 compromising patients lungs with symptoms of shortness of breath, places the elderly at been the most risk.
At present global citizens are often told that ” Knowledge is Power”, now would be a good time to allow humanity to use their knowledge collectively to come up with best Plan B cure strategies for Global Citizens. I started another petition on the 13 April 2020 :
Global Citizens Need To Use Their Collective Brainpower to Problem Solve COVID 19 Cures. Can be found on change org as well as on website: eaglesaquaguardians org.
Vaccines are been punted by the media to be ready in 18 months and some say global citizens might have to wait years
If various vaccines were brought forward then that would mean humanity could have their own antibodies against the COVID 19 virus, which would end the epidemic.
At present globally, the virus has been stated to be in many country’s sewage waters that are entering public waters.
A Plan B would be to afford as many people as possible to recovery from COVID 19, with the present oxygen, drug treatments and plasma donors, for that would mean more global citizens would have antibodies to protect themselves from COVID 19 and be allowed to return to work and help restart their economy.
The plan B would mean that these people who have recovered can be seen as people who have recovered without the use of vaccines, but would practically have the same antibodies in their immune system that a vaccine would of given them.
If the goals of Global Citizens are to see as many people as possible having their own antibodies as protection against COVID 19, then the plasma donor route that is seeing critically ill patients recovering in 3 days would be a good bet, there are also drugs in the market that are said to be curing people in 3 to 6 days.
Now if the blood plasma route is the quickest then that would mean there are too few recoveries of people that are eligible to be able to donate blood, due to other diseases or ailments they may have.
This would mean that for the blood donor route to be able to work as a ” Plan B” tool,it would require that more people need to be helped to recover, to afford the possibility for critically ill patients to receive antibodies from plasma donors.
It would mean that more people would also have to gain access to the drugs and nasal oxygen that are curing critically ill patients at present to be incorporated into a Plan B route, for more people to develop their own antibodies against COVID 19, which would greatly increase the possibility for more plasma donors.
At present human antibodies can be grown in laboratories and that would then mean that human antibodies could be isolated from plasma and their numbers increased to mass produce human antibodies for the plasma route.
The Plan B route would need to be helped global and driven with focus of getting as many global citizens to gain access to cures so as to have as many Global Citizens having their own antibodies as protection against the COVID 19, as well as been possible plasma donors for if the ” COVID 19 Starts to Mutate”, there would be human antibodies to ” Beat the COVID 19 Mutations”.
At present global, there are many vaccines being put into human trials, but until they are brought to the world ” Global Plan B Projects”, would be a good place to start to afford as many global citizens the chance to recovery from COVID 19.
***** I am going to give free information, insights and understands to help parents, children, teens and adults who may be struggling to cope with their COVID 19 lockdown, and for those who are worried and stressed about their schooling and education.
The information, insights and understandings are being given freely so that you can consider helping the ” Plan B Project” to help Global Citizens beat the COVID 19 and the depression effects in their country.
Insights and understanding of how a 12-year-old girl with dyslexia in 2018, was weaned off her ADD medication and goes on to achieve 82% to 90% for some of her school subject exams. ( 5 years of having to take ADD Medication).
Her own ABC routine she applies during school lessons, doing home work, making study notes, how she uses her ABC route to study and the mental understanding of knowing how to retain and use studied material to obtain excellent pass rates.
March 2020 exams, she achieved the highest marks in her class for three of subjects 79% English, History 71% and EMS 90%, and still needs to acquire her pass rate for her other exams.
Her personal life story, that is a common trait and occurrence which sees many children been held back in grade 2 globally, and then placed on ADD medication and diagnosed with dyslexia, which alters and hinders their educational development, state of mind, well being and future successes.
Easy insights and understandings of human traits that can be used to excel academically.
Easy insights and understandings that allow people to understand why they have developed, anxieties, depression and other mental issues, which then allows for the abilities and understandings of empower ones self to overcome there mental issues.
Insights and understanding of how a grade 7(std. 5) schoolboy, who was 2nd last from the bottom of his class, then starts grade 8( High School) and from word go achieves the highest marks for class tests and class exams. He is moved from 8D to the 8A class and achieves a 94% pass aggregate at the end of the school year, and gets placed 16th from the top, out of 93 pupils, even though all he did was to read and browse over his notes study notes for the end of the year exams, while many other students were cram- studying and stressing about their end of year exams, for he had figured out how to study to achieve class test pass rates of 95% to 100%.
Yet the boy would be classed as been dyslexic if tests were conducted, even though he pasted with a 94% aggregate at the end of the year.
So that those who have succumbed to believing that they have mental issues, can understand how easy it is to change and educate their mindsets for the better and aid themselves, humanity, their planet and afford themselves the opportunities to overcome the coronaviruses.
Insights and understanding of how easy it is to create mindsets that do not develop life long mental problems related to schooling or social anxieties and stresses.
Easy insights and understanding of the often punted statement of ” People must get to know themselves”, which becomes easy when people realise how easy it is to accomplish:
– How emotions are made and the physical areas that are the controlling points and triggers. – How to activate, use and control these emotions and human traits, so as to be able to boost your immune system, chemical production and functions of the human body that promotes healing. – Even if you are stressed, concerned, anxious or prone to been worried or succumb to negative feelings, emotions and mindsets, with just the mere activation of these physical triggers the human body’s healing functions are aided, even if there was no heart or belief put into or behind the actions that activated these physical triggers of control.
***** You get this all for free, for what I would like to see happen globally is a Plan B been helped, to help globally citizens.
***** This is what I am hoping for:
I am hoping that people who get this information can consider donating to the Global Plan B Project, with any donations received going to the country from where the donating Citizens are living, where 80 % goes to the Plan B Medical treatments secured by the public for that country, 15% goes to developing sustainable projects that grow produce and raise protein for citizens of the country and 5% goes to Eco Projects of that country. This means a 100% of any donations recieved goes to the country’s town or city from where the donation originated.Add name or anonymous, with country’s name and town or city.
Anyone wanting to donated to Siobhan and her friend’s Plan B project in South Africa and her eco projects, which can also be found on her website, which she would like to also be seen brought to life in your town or city.
Will need to build a network with, individuals, groups, non profits and medical professionals who are aiding the poor and for those who are staying at home to self medicate and heal, from being infected with COVID 19.
***** The “Global Plan B Projects” :
– top priority would be to see medical oxygen being mass produced, for oxygen is essential for periods when the infected struggling to breath as their bodies develop antibodies against COVID 19:
**** In South Africa, nurses have protested about not having enough Person Proctect gear and that in some hospitals there is not enough oxygen.(Present online media have reported and covered these concerns being raised by nurses. South Africa’s public hospitals were not in a good state, before COVID 19. Plenty news and media coverage and reports).
It would be wise for global citizens and South Africans to take notice of the short comings being revealed at hospitals and in their countries :
****** For the public to consider to be prepared for when hospitals can not cope and start turning people away or do triage assessments of who are more likely to overcome COVID 19 if they are allowed medical access or treatments:
For the Public to consider and focus on aiding more global citizens to get access to medical necessities:
* to secure machinery to up the production of medical oxygen, storage and distribution to those who can not get medical attention from hospitals.* now would be a good time for fitters and welders to start producing more oxygen cylinders.* at present even scuba diving tanks could be used. Even commercial gas cylinders could be cleaned an used.* network with doctors and pharmacies for the public to source and get pharmaceutical companies making the drugs that are healing the infected at present. Online reports state these drugs are quick and cheap to make.* network with laboratories that are capable of mass producing human antibodies, for the elderly, sickly and those with compromised immune system will need a Plan B route.
***** At present many South African citizens are stating they don’t have access to food or money to buy food.
South African government stated they would aid the most vulnerable gain access to food.
Unfortunately, South African government did not have a Plan B to feed the citizens they placed into lockdown, as many of the citizens relied upon weekly wages to buy food.
***** The Plan B food strategies
* every home and a lot of people who do buy fresh produce has ability to cut off the roots or stem parts of produce, that can be placed in water to grow the roots so that new fresh produce can be grown.Now would be a good time to start a ” Growing Program National” to aid produce production.* some of these new growths could be donated to communities to seed new produce.* network with farmers and land owners who are not utilising all their land, so that seeds could be bought to plant and the produce grown to handout to South African Citizens who don’t have food, that will allow for more parts of stems and roots to be planted to increase food production with in community areas.* projects can be started along canals to have portable swimming pools and canvas lining dams to purify the water, so that it can be used to raise tilapia and used in aquaponics, hydroponics and vegetable till soils.
***** will add more concepts, ideas and strategies on the website in more detail.
A big effort will be needed to up the supply of medical oxygen, as well as the need for refilling machinery for medical oxygen, as many people are said to be in need of medical oxygen as their bodies,with the help of drugs and other cure treatments, develop antibodies to overcome COVID 19.***** Major strategies will need to see ” Oxygen Setups and Storage Units” increased in towns and cities, so that people in these areas can at least get access to oxygen cylinders if they start to struggle with being infected with COVID 19.
This petition can be found on the website of Eagles Aquaguardians blogs:
The information, insights and understanding will also be found on the website’ blogs:
—- Global Plan B Projects relating to food security.
****At present, global citizen’s abilities to earn a living have been placed on ” Pause” and Plan B strategies would be to acknowledge these facts and for the major need to afford people to gain access to food and water as they rideout the lockdown with the rest of world to overcome the COVID 19 epidemic.
The fact also remains that even when lockdown is lifted, many people will still not be able to earn a living to buy food.
A major shift globally needs to take place so that food projects can be implemented, that are not just handouts that feed people for 3 or 4 days and then no food given for two weeks, but mass planting of vegetables and quick protein growth sources are needed right now.
Global Citizens have to realise that the world has been forced into a ” Global Depression” and if mass food production strategies are not put in place to feed the world, then food riots in countries will cause the breakdown of law and order that will stop best practices of self treatments, medical treatments at hospitals and mass treatments of global citizens, for no law and order would mean no access to medication or treatments.
The sooner that global citizens choose to put their collective brain solving power together, to acknowledge the world has been forced into a depression and that they are facing various threatening realities, then the sooner they will be able to start implement strategies to overcome these threats and the COVID 19.
If you believe Plan B strategies for medical cures and procurement would be a good idea for your town or city, then consider signing.
If you believe Plan B strategies would be good for increase access to produce in your town or city, then consider signing.
If you believe the insights and understandings can aid children, teens and adults consider signing.If you believe these insights and understandings will aid children, teens and adults to be able to apply their minds collectively to boost the global collective problem solving power, consider signing the petition.
If you believe that global more needs to be done to have better Plan B strategies and are concerned with the present strategies then consider sharing this petition to at least given global citizens more opportunities to beat COVID 19 and the present effects it is having in many towns and cities. If you believe that better Plan B strategies need to be adopted due to many medications causing side effects that compromise the human body’s ability to function to support oxygen to the body, then consider signing and sharing
I am going to sea tomorrow the 14 April 2020, as I am a commercial fisherman and will be back in 8 to 10 days time to off load.Will be in 21 day quarantine on vessel. I am getting two people to monitor the website and any donations received to start to go to the country( town or city) of the persons who made the donations.
The two people will also be in charge to network and make what ever donations do come in to network to with people in these countries
Will give more input onto website for more ideas and concepts to help global citizens.
For right now global citizens need Global Plan B Projects .
The website representing Eagles Aquaguardian have also started the process for a Non Profit organization.
Many thanks, and may the Global Plan B Projects be helped to be started in your country’s town or city for the power exits in your hands, to help save global citizens, your family and friends and yourself.
Many thanks XXXXX Eagles stay true.
Can you help get my petition to 99 signatures by the end of today? I started a petition and I need you to sign and share it now.
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